Chapter 54: Grand Closing

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The Labyrinth. The idea of a place where adventurers could delve into the unknown, face traps and monsters, and safely return to the top was unreal to the people of this world. And yet, that is what the people of Tempest planned to show on the final day of the festival. The ultimate challenge that offered the ultimate of loot, or rather the loot that was filling up the smith's warehouse.

To top it all off, for those who did not have the strength to enter, a team of dryads would be broadcasting the events from the dungeon for all to see. The means of profit from this event were the rescue items, such as a set of potions, a whistle that when used returned the user back to the surface, and lastly the resurrection bracelet. All of these, under normal circumstances, would have been seen as a scam, a ploy by the Demon Lords to trick adventurers to their deaths.

That is why when they were announced, it was made perfectly clear that they only worked inside the labyrinth. While Ramiris holds complete rule over the labyrinth, she can only resurrect a target she is aware of. Because her previous location was deserted, this was not an issue. However, with an unknown number of people entering the labyrinth at any given time, the bracelets served as markers for the targets and to make Ramiris' life easier.

"First that elaborately rigged tournament, now a resurrection bracelet? How fishy can you get?" A bald muscle man of a party spoke up, "My Great Lightning Party will expose this dungeon for what it really is!"

"Looks like a party of fools," Laden mentioned to Rimuru. "Not surprising though. In a world of survival of the fittest, anything that cheats death is technically a miracle."

"Should either of us really say that?" Rimuru shared a glance with Laden, as both were reincarnated people, who in turn resurrected people.

"Point taken," Laden looked to Diablo, "What's their deal?"

"They did not make the deadline for the tournament and complained that the roads were too jammed," The daemon, standing together with Ramiris and Shion beside the seated lords, revealed.

"It is true though that the roads weren't designed with this number of people in mind," Laden commented. "Maybe we should revisit that train idea."

"One expense at a time," Rimuru nervously laughed.

They continued to watch on. Eren's party made an appearance too, as the second group to challenge the dungeon, much to her father's surprise. While the Emperor knew she was in town, her father did not and nearly fainted on the spot with thoughts of worry. And the third party, the only one with a chance, Masayuki's party.

There were a few small problems with the first few floors. Rimuru had designed them himself and quickly noticed the addition of items he did not add. Ramiris, being a stupid fairy, not only made changes but was bribed by Eren to provide more goody chests than duds. 

While the parties ventured into the first floor, the rules for bosses and chests were explained to the viewing audience. Rimuru was seeing things in terms of bug-fixing and balancing. Meanwhile, Laden appeared lost in thought. At the conclusion of the dungeon event, the final feast of the festival was held for the rest of the evening. While the leaders of nations ate inside and enjoyed themselves, a lone person stood off to the side and watched.

Am I here? Laden asked himself. It's not like this event was a bad idea. Everyone is smiling, humans and monsters are closer now than ever... yet I feel more like a shadow than the caster. Despite what Shion said, I feel like I have done nothing. Or rather, I don't want to admit that the words Luminous spoke to me have struck deeper than Shion's. What did she mean it was my misfortune? And why could I not deny it?

"Laden?" Valdanava called, holding two glasses of alcohol. "Why the troubled look?"

Laden took one of the offered glasses, Do I ask? He thought for a moment, allowing Veldanava to continue.

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