Chapter 14: Alliance

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After the battle, Treyni appeared before Rimuru and me, to the surprise of many there. She was the one to announce that we would be holding a discussion relating to the management of the forest and what would come as a result of the battle's conclusion. The time was early morning the next day when in an open area of the forest. The races that attended selected a representative. Now with their faculties in order, the orcs could join. The more troublesome part fell on me, as Treyni put the responsibility of chairman for the meeting on me.

Apparently, because I stayed with the ogres for a period of time, was there during the orc attack, and helped the lizardmen, in addition to other past factors, I was deemed suitable for the position. It didn't help that Rimuru ran off back to Rigurd to inform the others that we won. All the same, I helped Treyni prepare for the meeting in the meantime. We spoke when he returned, the matter he brought up was troublesome, but I agreed to go with it.

In a tented off section, on a long bench placed on one side sat ten orc reps, whose faces were dreadful. Opposite to them, on separate benches, were a few reps from the group of goblins Gabiru recruited. Closer to me were Hadrian, his daughter, and a few of his guards. Lastly was Treyni, who sat on her own grown chair. At the head of them was my bench, stood behind me were Benimaru, a rep, and the other kijin. Erebus, in a much small form, sat in front of me.

"With everyone here, I'll begin," I announced. "The first matter we'll be discussing is the consequence the orc tribe will face for the damages done to the forest and its residents. With that in mind, I've been told by Rimuru Tempest that he is willing to take the burden of their sin. And so, I declare the orcs forgiven for their actions."

The orcs didn't expect such a statement, Rimuru explained, "F/N and I understand that the orcs were under the effect of a skill and could not control themselves. Knowing that, I promised Geld that I would take his sins and the sins of his brethren."

"Are there any objections to this?" I asked, earning Hadrian's response.

"I hold no objection since it is you and Lord Rimuru. However, I wish to know more about the situation, including this Gelmud that appeared," Hadrian looked to me, to which I looked at Benimaru, who remained quiet and simply nodded.

"In regards to the situation, we don't know enough. Gelmud wasn't working alone, people dressed like clones were working under him. And it's possible that he wasn't the top of the chain either," I revealed. "There's no way someone who died that easily to Geld could use him. Besides, to cause damage to the forest, why would he want to do that? It accomplishes nothing."

"Not necessarily," Hakurou spoke up, "Don't forget that the Orc Lord wasn't the only one to receive a name from Gelmud."

I tilted my head in thought, "It is possible that Jura was just a first step in some plan, but we're getting off track with this. Going back to the orc situation, we've come to learn that they were faced with a famine, resulting in the appearance of [Starved]," I returned to the topic. "Again, with all this in mind, the orcs are forgiven."

"Wait," The black hooded orc stood up, "It's can't be that simple-"

I raised my hand, "I said forgiven, I didn't say whether or not there would be reparations for the damages done. Only that no hatred or resentment would be shown towards your people for their actions."

"R-Right," The hooded one sat back down.

"For destroying the ogre village, goblin villages, among others, and for killing residents of the Jura Forest, you will be spared death on the grounds that your people did not have control. Since there is no means for your people to pay in terms of money, you will work in the rebuilding. It may also allow you to find a way to forgive yourselves," I stood up. "Does anyone here have anything more to say on the topic of the orcs?"

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