Chapter 9: Mistakes

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It had all been so peaceful a moment ago. Now I felt stuck. Part of me said that I should leave immediately and get Rimuru's help. But I didn't know when the attack would happen, only soon. Even then I don't know what it is. Sadly, Erebus left two days ago and won't be returning soon. Though he did tell me that more goblins have joined the village, meaning we had numbers. But moving them here instantly was an issue. I was unnerved, the pink one noticed and asked what was wrong. I didn't want to come off as a madman or needlessly scare anyone. It's at a moment like this, I need Great Sage. I need to know the right answer!

Notice. Permission granted by Rimuru Tempest. Receiving access to Great Sage. Confirmed.

Received. Great Sage is now active.

The first question that came to mind was, How?

Received. Rimuru has given preemptive permission to use skills Predator and Great Sage. So long as Rimuru's permission remains, access to the skills through Strong Bonds may be given at any time.

Did Rimuru think of this? Or was it all by coincidence that I heard the notice of the encounter, thought about using [Great Sage], and Rimuru just happened to freely let me use his skills? No, surely not. That can't be called anything short of fate and that's too reckless of anyone. It was the same as entrusting his life to my hands. And after that night when I threw him to the ground, and he splattered into pieces, I couldn't believe he still trusts me. Sure, I checked and found that our bond was [Sworn Friends], but I had thought that trust was damaged. It seems we really are still friends. I excused myself from the pink one and went to the room I was staying in.

Great Sage, I thought, What's the immediate threat to the ogres?

Received. Potential threats could be lizardmen, orcs, or other powerful monsters in the Jura Forest.

Can't you narrow it down to one thing?

Received. No. Simply put, All of Creation is limited to information related to things you already know. However, probabilities can be calculated to determine the most likely cause of the threat.

Don't need you for that, it's likely the masked man, Gelmud. What is the likely hood of Rimuru or the others getting here before the threat?

Received. Likelihood of Rimuru arriving before threat: 12.84% Likelihood of Rimuru arriving with tempest wolves: 9.43% Likelihood of Rimuru arriving with combined forces: 2.1111%

Damn. Is there anyone that can get here to help me?

Received. It is possible to call Erebus through the skill Shadow Step. Would you like to, yes or no?

"Oh my god, I forgot about that!" I shouted out loud, "This is why I wish I had you, there are too many skills for me to remember. So yes!"

From my shadow, Erebus emerged, filling half of the room, "Master, what's wrong?!" I ran over and hugged him.

"Am I glad you're here," I breathed in relief before letting go. "Listen, this village is in danger. I need you to help me. And if the enemy is too strong, and I mean the ogres are no match, I want you to help evacuate them, understood?"

"Yes! But what about you?" Erebus asked.

"Whatever it is, I doubt it can handle the effects of [Ailment Mist] and my physical strength. Therefore, if I can't kill it in one shot, I'll be holding off whatever it is until you get them a safe distance from the fighting. Assuming it can survive against me," I said, unaware at the time that it was more than a single threat.

After that, I stopped using [Great Sage] so that it could relay a message to Rimuru. I spoke with the old one first, wanting to know what could pose a threat to the village. Sure, there were races stronger than them, they did not sit at the top of the power structure. But there were no signs of a threat. However, he still brought my concerns to the chief, who, for that night, stood ready with the rest of the able-bodied fighters.

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