Chapter 3

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Dropping by to say hi. (Seriously almost a year after the last update?!)
How are you? Busy? Tired?
So am I. But at least we still got a job to pay our expenses. Be grateful~

It has been days since the orientation in Law School started on Monday. Today was friday, which meant the last day of orientation and the freshmen were scheduled to have a closing ceremony by the beach out of town.

The freshmen were excited to welcome their freedom within hours. Bright was no exception. He wanted his stagnant life back. He couldn't wait to hang out with friends after or between classes. He was tired greeting his seniors with perfect wai every damn time they bumped in the hallway or cafetaria.

The injury that he got from the first day of orientation had healed. He should thank the rude yet nice senior that treated his wound right after and got him some ointment. The wordless man named Mew.

Just in time, Bright's eyes spotted the man he was thinking about. Mew was tall enough to be seen among the students in queue at the food stalls.

"Ah! I'm glad that this crazy week would be over soon!" Win huffed as he sat next to Bright. He just got back from ordering his lunch.

Dew and Nani followed after. While Tu was busy gossiping with some girls at the next table.

Now Bright's table consisted of Bright himself, Win, Dew, and Nani.

"I heard that once our classes start, it will be much more hell." Dew chimed in.

"Who told you?" Nani asked.

"The seniors said during the gathering last wednesday. You missed it since you were sleeping the whole session." Dew flicked Nani's showing forehead.

They all laughed, but Bright. He was still putting all his attention to one of the hazers. Dew was the first one to notice, he exchanged a stare with Win while also trying to convey their thinking without saying words.

Fortunately, Win got what Dew was trying to tell. Win then nudged the boy next to him. "Oy, Bright."

The other guy finally reverted his attention tp his friends.

"What are you looking at?" Win cocked his head high, curiously looking at anything that might catch his friend's attention. Nothing intrigued his interest. Only food stalls and some lines of students there.

"Do you want more ramen?" Win concluded that Bright was craving for more ramen since they were sitting straight accros the ramen stall.

Bright was yet to answer, but someone beat him by saying, "Nope. He's seeing something else," It was Tu. She was back to their table and took a seat accros Bright.

She was getting a death glare instantly from the guy accros her. She wasn't intimitated, instead she was smirking. After that night, she liked to tease Bright secretly. Only Bright and Tu knew what was all that about.

"What is it?" Win was not done being curious. He was being too nosy for a boy.

Tu was having a staring contest with Bright for a moment before she finally gave a shoulder shrug as a response.

She was trying to get on Bright's nerves since that incident that night. Bright regretted his decision to take Mew's offer since there were endless teasings following him thru and thru from Tu. She was a ticking bomb. He could be a bullying material in their newly formed small group.

Bright rolled his eyes out of annoyance. The only thing to escape from Win's nosy ass, was to start focusing on eating his own lunch. He was getting a plate of fried rice with a sunny side-up.

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