Chapter 9

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After the triggering post that Mew threw at for the public to see and the phone call Bright got from his girl best friend, Tu, it was a long stretch of silence. They were barely talking during the night supper, and it kind of continued when the two had finished off their meal, and had nothing left to do anymore.

"It was a nice late meal date." Mew was still on it, rendering the younger boy to snap him a sharp stare.

He looked nothing like threatening at all, instead a warm smile bloomed on Mew Suppasit's god-like-shaped face.

Jesus! Bright was not ready to have another twinge right on his right-chest, but it happened and Bright felt like he was going to have a heart arrest on his young age.

"Thank you.." Mew was using a softer tone instead of a teasing one he used before. And Bright's stomach was knotting hard inside.

He cursed he had drank his cola and now he had nothing to drink more. So he harshly gulped down whatever was clogging his throat, "Uhm.." He could only make a use to hum something so unclear.

It seemed that the older guy was as calm as the water in the pond of a japanese garden, and the boy hates how he was acting like a total opposite. His heart kept betraying him by pumping a lot of blood to his face so it was glistening with redness under the dimmed light.

"So what's your next plan?" His senior asked.

Bright scrunched his perfectly trimmed brows, "Huh?"

"I've posted our picture a while ago and we got tons of reactions. Mostly are buying it, you know, that you're my 'cub'. I guess it won't take long for them to bombard us with the question. Even your friend called you to ask whether we're going out for real or not, right?"

Bright nodded, he was in attempt to get a hold of what's his senior was directing to. "So, are we going official or do you prefer us to be in a longer courting phase?" It finally dawned to him that Mew was discussing about the plan to win the bet.

"Ah... that..." Bright was a little bewildered by himself to forget about the bet in the first place. The game which he played along with Mew Suppasit was a bit dangerous since he always forgot how they started it in the first place.

Would it be better to officially announce and plan a break-up in a month or would it be a better plan to have this butterflies in his stomach longer?

His logical mind told him that the first option was the one he needed to choose, but his heart foolishly told him that he liked the butterflies feelings in his stomach and he wanted to keep them longer there.

He mentally cursed on his drumming heart, it was stupid and not the initial plan he was going for.

The silence of the night was interrupted when Mew's phone vibrated against the wooden table. Under the dimmed light of his room, Mew's phone became the source of the light. Bright could see the popping notification on the screen.

It was set on a non-preview mode so Bright could not see the content, however he saw the sender of the message.


Ah, right. He momentarily forgot the existence of his football captain towards the guy across him. Whatever strings they had, Gulf was much closer to Mew and had a real connection with him. While he was only using Mew for his own benefit.

Mew took a moment to reply before he settled the phone back on the table. "Sorry, where were we?"

Bright put an extra effort not to flicker his gaze to the older man's phone when an immediate reply was given by his football captain. Instead, he was locking his eyes with Mew as the older didn't budge to check on the message he just received too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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