Chapter 8

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Hi! Merry xmas for those celebrating!
I'm currently on my europe trip for vacation. How's your vacation btw?

Oh, and happy new year too! (In case I'm not online on new year's eve lol)


It was late at night--still saturday, though--when Bright woke up and felt a hunger striked in. He had skipped lunch and dinner. It would be too late to call it dinner if he ate now. He was hungry, he bet no food stalls were open during this hour. Maybe there was, but he was not that keen to walk a mile away just to fill his hunger.

So the boy decided to order an online delivery food. He chose the easiest thing, he didn't want to think, he was so damn hungry. He paid for a triple cheese burger, upsized coke and french fries.

A game was played while waiting for the delivery guy to arrive in. His dorm at night was strict, so when the delivery guy notified him that he had arrived, Bright hurried himself to walk downstairs. Any delivery could not enter the dorm as of 11 PM. What a trouble for a hungry and sleepy student like Bright.

He paid through e-wallet he would not have to pay in cash. But he tipped a piece of 10 bucks to the delivery guy.

After the delivery guy left, he was going to go back to his room to inhale the food he ordered, but his steps were halted right on the third step of the stairs. Bright was too sleepy or hungry to realize that someone had been there since he didn't even know when.

Mew smiled thinly when the younger guy finally acknowledged his existence. "Hi..." He greeted as he stood next to Bright.

The junior furrowed his brows, "What are you doing, here?" He wasn't in the mood for courtesy, so he skipped it and asked to the point.

"I promised you a lunch date."

"It's even past dinner time, Mew." Bright rolled his eyes, he was not in the mood to talk about the ruined date. Why brought up about the non-existent lunch date in the middle of the night?

"I know, I want to make it up to you." He nipped his lower lip, feeling guilty since the date was cancelled just like that without any head ups from his side. He was busy taking care of Gulf today.

The supposed lunch date with Bright was replaced with a simple lunch meal with his best friend. Gulf needed to stay at the clinic and only got discharged this afternoon. They didn't stop there, Gulf even asked Mew to stay with him and the other guy complied with his request. Mew had always been like that towards Gulf. He followed whatever the guy wanted.

But he rejected an invitation to stay over since he kept thinking about his junior out of guilty. He wondered what Bright was doing in every chance his mind was empty.

"Is that... your dinner?" Mew asked out of curiousity. He guessed Bright bought many items judging by the stuffed paperbag he was holding.

Bright nodded but didn't explain further. It didn't take a genius to know Bright skipped the dinner and settled with a supper instead.

"Did you skip meals? You didn't skip lunch, did you?" The older guy wanted to confirm.

He was even more lost for words when Bright responded, "I was tired. The coach didn't give us a break." Bright lied bluntly without knowing that Mew knew how the practice totally stopped when Gulf hit the ground.

The older guy didn't wish to hear that Bright even skipped his lunch.

Mew felt even more guilty than he already was. He knew Bright was an adult, the boy could just take care of himself alright. But Mew wanted to contribute something to the boy.

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