Chapter 5

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It was Thursday of the second week of school and Bright had become a zombie. A literal zombie with eyebags—which were not prada nor gucci—but heavy ones with dark shades under his eyes.

The non-stop assignments were turning his university life into a mess. He did not get enough rest during the first week of school due to the orientation for freshmen. And now almost closing his second week with only 3-hour sleep per day.

He was damn exhausted. He wanted to just sleep in and not going to classes as he supposed to. But his mom would not like it. So he forced himself to sit at classes with his absent mind.

However Bright failed to attend his morning class because he closed the night at dawn and he slept in.

"FUCKKKK!" Bright jumped out of his bed and started getting ready immediately.

He skipped showering and only cared to wash his face and brush his teeth. Of course he would not think about having breakfast first.

The male collected the scattered paperworks and stashed them into his backpack. He locked his door in hurry and dashed to his faculty in god speed.

Unfortunately, although he had worked his feet faster than ever, he was still late to the class and the professor kicked him out of class since he was more than 30-minute-late. He failed to submit his paperwork in time and got extra assignment from the lecturer.

He was lucky he still got the chance to secure his assignment submission, or else, he would have retaken the class or maybe he should get on his knees to earn the chance.

Bright ended up sitting by the bench by the park of his faculty. The premises wasn't as crowded as lunch time since everyone was attending classes or sleeping in their room or working on some group projects.

He could feel his stomach made some noises. The last time he had food intake was the dinner after he showered last night. It was 10.30 AM in the morning, he should have grabbed a brunch for himself.

But the boy was too exhausted toncare about his hunger. He chose to relax himself on the bench instead. It only took less than 5 minutes for Bright to doze off.


"What a good day!" Boom whistled happily as he walked between his 2 giant friends—Mew and Joss.

Joss laughed, "Not a good day for Professor, though.."

"The professor should have told us since last night if he could not make it to class!" Tay joined in. He was having a bad mood since he could have been sleeping right now instead of wasting his time attending class which got cancelled in last minutes.

The professor was hospitalized due to accute indigestion so the class was dismissed 30 minutes after.

Luke ruffled Tay's hair only to annoy the other guy. Their gang bantered along the hallway.

"Let's grab something! There's this new hot place near our university. We don't have classes until 3 PM, right?" Boom suggested, he was craving for hotpot all of sudden.

Joss and Luke agreed to go, while Tay preferred going back to his room, but he didn't bring his vehicle today, Boom gave him a lift this morning. So Tay had no choice but to tag along with his friends.

Mew was busy typing on his phone.

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