Chapter 2

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A/N: wow, it's been 2 months since the chapter 1. I'm so unproductive lately.


The hazers had divided the freshmen into a few groups that consisted of 5 persons. They were formed based on the student ID number. And here Bright was, doing some group tasks with his new friends. Their group consisted of 4 boys and 1 girl.

"Can't believe that we still have to do this after wearing out our legs!" The rich kid of the group whined as soon as the group entered his spacious condo.

Metawin was his name but peole called him Win for short. He was the heir of some kind of business that his parents going to pass down. His father wanted a lawyer in the family, hence he enrolled Law faculty. His old man's purpose was mainly to protect their lines of business.

His whining was followed by a dead silence. Win couldn't believe that he was the only one whining in the group, but when he turned around, the others were busy checking out his condo.

Win folded his arms as he gave up, he then offered his friends a dinner on him. That made the 4 head whipped to his direction and nodded in unison. Apparently his friends liked to have free food.

(A/N: who wouldn't, duh???)

Bright was the first one to follow Win who already threw his body to the couch. He seemed exhausted. Bright felt sorry for his friends for running a set of laps on the field.

"Come on, it's not that bad!" Bright said, trying to cheer his other friends.

"Tsk. Said someone who spent the whole day sitting by the field." Tu, the only girl of the group retaliated.

Bright frowned, "Hey! I'm injured!" He defended himself. It wasn't his choice to be disabled for a couple of days.

"Is your injury that bad, huh?" Now the tallest guy in the group was the one talking. His name was Dew.

"It's not. But I think it would be a little hard for me to run." Bright answered Dew. But suddenly, he felt a squeeze on his ankle.

"Ouch! What the fuck?!" He cussed out as he pulled his twisted foot, trying to protect from the harm that his friend caused.

Nani grinned from ear to ear. He saved his place as the clown of the group since he got the goofiness in his blood. "Just checking out whether it's real or you're making it up. Chill~"

(A/N: yes, I make the F4 gang as the casts in this story. Maybe F5 since there's Tu in the gang)

How could one maintained his calm when someone poured the salt on the opened wound out of curiosity. It was exactly what Bright was feeling. He almost barked back at Nani but Win was beating him to it.

He already shoved Nani with his toe, "Shut it, dude." He was too tired to cope up with the fight Bright and Nani were going to enter. He didn't want his condo to be the war zone.

"We need to work fast, guys. We still have so many things to do." Win was worried that they would waste their time bickering and ended up getting punished with the hazers.

"Ugh, can't believe they give us this many tasks after making us doing nonsense stuffs the whole day!" Bright grunted as he flopped his back to the soft couch. He detested the orientation even more.

"Shut up, you didn't run like we did, you've got no right to whine, brat!" Tu harshly said, earning a pair of rolling eyes from Bright himself.

He knew Tu was right. While his friends ran in the field, he sat by the bleachers and watched them dying. He even got a drink supply from that rude hazer.

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