Chapter 7

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Half of thischapter would tell about Nani and Dew

Dew stretched out his body to relax himself. He had been working on 2 assignments in a row. On a friday night, nonetheless. His group—Win and the paupers—except Tu, were hanging out at the bar nearby their university.

Dew could manage to do the assignments on weekend if he opted to join. However, he decided not to. Working on assignments seemed more tempting than going to the bar and witnessing something he was fed up of.

Once Nani decided to join the boys night out with Win and Bright, Dew lost interest in joining in. Professor Trung's mind wrecking assignment was never this interesting. At least, it took his mind from wandering off to something he didn't want to think about.

Dew checked on his phone. It was a little past midnight. To ease his mind from overusing his brain, the tall guy decided to log onto his social media.

What a bad decision, though.

The first thing he saw was an update from the user he avoided the most tonight. Nani updated a while ago. A 15-second clip of him toasting with some other girls. There were at least 3 girls from what Dew could see on the video.

His best friend was currently having a blast, and he shouldn't be affected by it. He should not feel sad seeing such update. But Dew was sad... and frustrated.

He immediately closed the app and threw his phone to the bed. Then he continued to work on the assignments, ignoring the haunting emotion within him.


It was close to 2AM when Dew closed the paperworks and shut down his laptop. He was brushing his teeth when he heard someone knocking on his door. Having a guest in this ungodly hour pissed the hell out of Dew.

He almost fought whoever banged his door rudely, but he stopped when Nani's silly face welcomed his vision behind the door.

"Dew!" The guest shouted rather loudly, his voice echoed thru the hallway.

Nani's reddened cheeks and hazy eyes were the evident of him being drunk. Nani was normally annoying in his sober state. In his drunk state? He was 10 times annoying.

Dew had no other option, so he pulled Nani in and closed the door before the shorter guy could make some ruckus.

Nani swayed right and left while walking in. He frowned upon seeing Dew's mouth with bubbles from toothpaste. "Awh? Going to bed already? Or are you getting ready to school?"

Nani was certainly drunk. There was no classes on saturday! And who would get ready to school at 2-fucking-AM?!

Dew massaged his temple, trying to supress his nerves. He sighed and said, "Just wait inside, I'll finish washing up soon." He left Nani who's struggling to sit by the bed side.

When Dew went out of the bathroom, he found Nani sleeping with his lower feet on the floor. The shorter guy took most space of the bed. The owner of the room thought it would be a better idea to cramp himself on the couch. Even though he would get stiff muscles tomorrow since the couch was smaller than his tall posture, but it would far better than sleeping besides drunk Nani. He would be ended up on the floor since Nani wasn't a calm person when he's sleeping.

Dew was about to crash the couch when the person he thought was sleeping asked him, "Dew? Where are you going?"

Nani needed to close his eyes back after peeking at the owner of the room. He thought Dew was going to crash the bed until he realized Dew next to him.

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