Chapter 1

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Running wasn't something that was hard to do, yet Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree felt like he was as slow as snail whenever he was in hurry. The boy was running for his dear life since he was late for the first day of school as a university student.

Today, he was going to start the orientation day, the culture that this country had held for hereditary. Bright had always thought that the orientation during the first week of school had always been lame. The orientation sounded cooler in one's ears, but in reality, it was no more than a toxic bullying in educational institution.

However, the boy wasn't that heroic kind of man to speak up about what's right or what's wrong. He wasn't a good boy with clean and sleek style either. He brought trouble to his Mae, but he never got to the extent of making troubles that made him being kicked out of school.

In short, Bright was a mediocre teenage guy who liked to hang out with his friends while making the best out of his life to stay decent. His mother was a single mom, so maybe that was the main reason he stayed as nice as he could, even though he still missed his classes when he was in highschool from time to time to play videogames with his friends.

Bright didn't plan to wake up late, but his stupid lazy ass kept snoozing the alarm that blarred his ears until he realized that he was very late for the first day of orientation. The boy didn't want to get on his seniors' wrong foot so he dashed out like a mad man though he knew he would still be late no matter how fast he ran.

And as if his day hadn't been bad enough, Bright bumped into someone and made him tripped and fell down.

"Ouch!!" He cried out as he felt his ass became flat after landing harshly on the asphalt. He even felt a sting of pain on his palms that scratched the hard ground.

It would be amazing if he met his fated person, but apparently whom he bumped into wasn't a cute girl he was expecting it to be. Instead, his eyes met with a sharp gaze that looked down at him, the face that he even dared to say not falling under cute category.

The big guy that made him fell down was a guy with a stoic face. Bright could judge by the face that this guy wasn't even willing to help him to get up. So, Bright made himself independent by getting up by himself without any help from the other guy.

He couldn't help but cringing when he felt the stinging pain coming from his bruised palms. It was hard for him to stand up without any support but Bright didn't want to embarrass himself by falling the second time.

The cold guy was still standing before him, not even trying to mutter any apology to Bright, it somehow pushed the boy to stupidly demand an apology from the other guy, "If you bump into a person, you should have said sorry instead of standing there like a useless pole." He lectured. "Oh, but a pole would be at least very helpful to me since it would support me to get up." He skeptically threw his words, trying to annoy the other guy as much as that guy annoyed him.

However, he failed to make a change in that guy's expression. The stranger stayed still while daggering his cold eyes to him quietly. Bright was so close to roll his eyes when suddenly someone called out a name that didn't belong to him.


Bright realized that the person who was being called out was the annoying guy in front of him, since this Mew guy turned his head to the source of the voice. The one who called the cold guy was apparently his friend since they wore the dark red jacket with the emblem of the faculty of law.

Bright realized that the man he bumped into was a senior in his faculty since he was wearing the faculty jacket while Bright was wearing a white shirt and black trousers.

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