Chapter 4

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Bright blinked after he got rejected right away by the hazer. He was damn sure Mew would at least consider him, knowing that he wasn't that bad looking. But who would have thought he was rejected because Mew was liking someone else.

Is he dating that someone? Bright thought internally. Mew said he liked someone, didn't mean he was dating that person, right?

If Mew liked someone then a month of courting would be useless, wouldn't it? The confidence that he had for making Mew liked him was gone. All left was the hesitation.

As if he was getting a push upon his own monologue, the younger chose to ask Mew directly, "Are you dating that someone?"

He would back off right away if the older guy was dating one.

The older one raised his brows higher, so this kid hasn't done yet? He wondered.

He scrunched his nose as he answered, "Not your business, kid." He even went extra by flicking Bright's forehead before he passed by.

But the kid he just rejected already halted him at the front, making his body bumped a little since Mew made a sudden stop from walking.

The older guy was going to protest but the younger one beat him to it, "You can pretend that we're boyfriends, right?"

Mew raised his thick brows higher, the junior was indeed persistent. "I didn't say I'm single."

"Are you really in a relationship, then?" Bright asked. Mew said he liked someone, not dating anyone. His 1000 dollars is at stake, he couldn't back down easily. It was a lot of money to him.

The money boosted up his self-esteem. He should try making Mew pretended to like him at least for a month, so that he could save his bank account.

Mew tilted his head, "Why do you persist? Do you even like me?" Now Mew was folding his hands. The people he rejected back off easily. But this kid got some business to do. At least that's what Mew saw.

Bright opened his eyes wider, he was busted. It was not even 5 minutes had passed after his confession.

Mew smirked in amusement seeing Bright went bewildered. He was guessing right. Neither of them liked each other in the first place, hell Mew even believed Bright despised him. So why confess now?

"What push you, kid? Someone made you do it?"

Bullseye. Mew let out a light chuckle after seeing the the change of expression Bright just made. Then he said, "Betting on making me your boyfriend?"

Bright gasped for some air, he literally couldn't hide the shock upon the older's saying. Mew let out a louder chuckle, "So it's for a bet, huh?" He walked closer to the other boy, however Bright kept backing off every damn time Mew took a closer step.

The older guy could see how Bright's ears got red. It was due to the embarrassement he was experiencing.

Shit, why he knows?! Bright cursed inwardly. He would have to kiss the 1000 dollar goodbye.

"How much is the bet? 500?" Mew asked teasingly, he loved to see how Bright's face flustered. He thought it's kind of cute.

"1000 dollars?" Mew kept asking, and by the shift of expression Bright made, he hit another jackpot. "Ah, so 1000 dollars huh? Short on money?"

Bright thought it was kind of rude so he hissed, "None of your business."

The younger thought the business he had had failed, so he was ready to go off and leave his senior when a hand stalled him from leaving.

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