The first of many

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"Kacchan!! Wait up!!" The tiny Alpha called out to his even smaller friend, worry lacing his tone as he chased after him. "Auntie said not to run, you could get hurt!!" Izuku whined, the blond little boy scoffing and running faster.

"Stinky Alpha! I bet you couldn't catch me even if you tried!" Katsuki challenged with a smirk, glancing back at his friend momentarily to stick his tongue out at him. The slightly younger boy trailing after him shook his head with a soft sigh, speeding up in an attempt at grabbing the shorter five year old.

"That's not fair, Kacchan!" Izuku pouted with his cheeks red, short legs still pumping forward. "I don't wanna hurt you!! You're smaller than me, that's not fair to you!!!" Even with what he said, the green haired pup couldn't help but get excited at the game his Omegan friend had started. Something inside of him was instantly intrigued by the chase, blunt claws extending while his fangs brushed against his lips annoyingly. He didn't know why his teeth hurt so bad! "Please, Kacchan! I don't want you to get hurt!" He called for the blond once more, but the Omega only rolled his eyes and quickly changed his direction to confuse the younger boy.

"You're just saying that cuz' you're too slow! I thought you were an Alpha, Deku!! Alphas are supposed to be strong and Fast!!" The Omega teased, his own small fangs making a slight appearance with the Alphan pup trailing close behind him. Izuku huffed at the mean comments, finally deciding to stop the game as he rushed forward and grabbed his hand. "Hey!! Let go-!" The blond suddenly came crashing to the ground when his foot snagged on a twig, squeaking and falling down hard onto his bare knees. "O-ow!" He yelped, tears brimming his eyes.

"Oh no, Kacchan! Are you okay!" Izuku dropped down beside the whimpering Omega, nose twitching as he inspected him for any injuries. "Your knee..." Katsuki made a move to turn away, his cheeks pink in embarrassment whilst he cried softly. "It's okay, Kacchan. I'll make it better, okay?" He promised with a lopsided smile, getting closer and hesitantly pressing his lips to the boy's scraped knee with his eyes squeezed shut. "D-does it feel better? Momma always kisses my owies when I'm hurt..." The Omega blushed when the taller pup pulled away, the Alpha's freckled fingers wiping away his tears while Katsuki sat in shock.

"I-idiot!!" He stammered, the tips of his ears a dark red. He was quick to stand and wipe the dirt from his clothes, running off towards his house with his heart hammering in his chest. "S-stupid- stupid Alpha!!"

"W-wait, Kacchan! Don't leave me!" Izuku whined, once again running to catch up with the smaller boy.

That was the first time Izuku had ever kissed Katsuki.


This was meant to just be a short one shot, now it's a multi chapter fanfiction just with short chapters I guess. I hope you enjoyed it anyways :)

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

519 words

A Gentle Kiss •DekuBaku• /Completed/Where stories live. Discover now