A ninth

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Green eyes struggled to stay locked on his textbook, his tongue constantly tracing along his fangs. They were supposed to just be studying, they do it all the time together. And they were technically studying... This time, however, it was different. Something felt different anyways, he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, perhaps it was the fact that they were in Izuku's room instead of in the common area. Katsuki had said something about wanting to be in the Alpha's room because it was too loud anywhere else, and Izuku agreed because he wanted the Omega to feel comfortable during their nearly daily sessions. But it was becoming increasingly harder to focus on the material. How could he? They were sitting so close to each other, the blond sitting propped against the headboard with his legs stretched out enough for their knees to slightly touch.

Sure, the Omega had been in his den before. For years he's invited him in, but something was off this time. Izuku gulped softly, letting his eyes flutter shut while zoning in on the slight touch of skin against skin. "What do you think, nerd?" Izuku broke from his thoughts at the sound of the smaller teenager speaking, looking up in shock and meeting Katsuki's gaze.

"I-I'm sorry, what was the question?" Izuku asked sheepishly, offering a small smile. Katsuki rolled his eyes, pushing his notebook closer.

"Number three, what'd you get?" He questioned, smiling softly at the Alpha. Izuku swallowed hard at the soft twitch of the Omega's lips, turning his face away and willing his mind to settle. "You good? If you don't have the answer, it's fine. No need to stress over it," The blond said, pulling back and wincing slightly when his foot shifted from atop the pillow it sat propped up on. "Shit..." The boy cursed, rubbing at it slightly before returning back to his homework.

Izuku's gaze drifted down to his friend's bandaged ankle, his eyebrows scrunched in concern. The Omega had accidentally sprained it during training, having landed on it wrong after blasting himself into the air to get a better shot. Recovery girl had refused to heal such a minor injury, instead telling him to stay off of it for a while as a lesson to not be careless. Izuku felt awful, being as he was the one that Katsuki was training with. It's his fault Katsuki had even done what he had. He sighed softly, which seemed to catch the Omega's attention, who offered a worried glance. Izuku frowned, closing his workbook before placing it down on his nightstand. He reached for Katsuki's, doing the same and turning his entire body towards the smaller boy. The Alpha gently reached for his foot, extending the boy's leg so that it sat in his lap, examining it carefully.

"What are you doing?" Katsuki questioned, leaning his head back and staring in confusion. Izuku smiled softly, his large hands working to carefully massage the area while letting out soft purrs to help Katsuki relax.

"I used to get hurt a lot in our first year," Izuku says gently, smiling with pride at the content hum that his friend released when he worked on a certain spot. "Recovery girl hated me for it I think, so she'd leave me with certain injuries. Sprains were the worst, but..." Izuku trailed off, looking over the boy's legs with pink cheeks. "I learned how to make it easier, even if I still managed to get injured a lot." Katsuki hummed in acknowledgment at his words, letting out an extremely quiet moan when Izuku went higher up on the injury. Izuku nearly froze at the sound, but forced himself to keep going.

"Feels good..." Katsuki mumbled, staring at the Alpha. "You still get hurt a lot, nerd." Katsuki huffed out a soft laugh, the green haired male swallowing the lump in his throat as he finished up with the massage, hesitating for a few moments before leaning down to press his lips against his ankle. He cradled the injury carefully as he helped prop it back up, the Omega staying silent when Izuku grabbed their homework from off the nightstand.

Something deep inside Izuku was pleased with what he had done for the Omega, his mind finally able to focus on his work as the two sat in silence. Katsuki was happy Izuku hadn't noticed how red his face was.


I hope you liked it! <3

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

752 words

A Gentle Kiss •DekuBaku• /Completed/Where stories live. Discover now