A sixth

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"Deku! Deku!" Izuku groaned as he burrowed further into his pillows, pulling the blanket over his head and attempting to block out the insistent banging on his door. "Deku, open your fucking door!" He heard Katsuki shout, the Alpha pouting and curling into a ball before covering his ears. He heard an annoyed growl from outside his room, the Omega going silent. Izuku smiled softly in victory, turning over to face the wall of his bedroom in an attempt at falling back asleep. A sharp whine had his eyes snapping open, hurling himself out of bed and swinging his door open with panicked eyes.

"Kacchan-!?" The larger male looked around frantically, only for his eyes to fall onto the smirking blond, the small boy laughing in amusement at the Alpha.

"Well that certainly got you up," he snickered, pushing himself up from his leaning position on the wall and pushing the green haired male back into his room.

"That's not funny, Kacchan! I thought you were hurt!" Izuku sighed, scrubbing his face in annoyance. The blond cooed softly in apology before forcing his friend to sit on the bed, crossing his legs and smiling warmly.

"Sorry," Katsuki quickly pulled two letters from behind his back, his ruby eyes sparkling in excitement. "But you had to be awake for this!!" Izuku gazed at the letters in shock, before snapping his gaze back up to the blond's face.

"Are those...?" He whispered, the small Omega shoving one of the envelopes into the Alpha's hands. Katsuki rapidly nodded, lips turning up into an unusually bright smile before nervously looking back down at his own. They shared a momentary glance, until they were both ripping open the letters in anticipation, the blond reaching to anxiously grasp the freckled boy's hand. They both looked up at the same time, their eyes watering and their scents turning extremely sweet with happiness.

"I got in!" Katsuki shouted, a few tears rolling down his rose colored cheeks as he lurched forward, clasping his arms around Izuku's neck and practically throwing himself into the Alpha's lap. Izuku laughed in joy, embracing the tiny boy and nuzzling against his cheek with a happy croon. Katsuki matched the noise with a pleased purr, nosing at Izuku's face and letting his instincts take over as he buried a hand in the male's soft curls with a joyful chirp. "Fuck- we got in!" Katsuki exclaimed, mindlessly scenting his childhood friend and letting out the most adorable sounds Izuku had ever heard.

"I'm so proud of you, Kacchan! I knew you could do it!" The Alpha praised the blond breathlessly, the intimate scenting making his heart flutter nervously. He cradled the Omega close, fingers rubbing sweetly at his hips while letting his nose drift towards the boy's scent glands. Katsuki only seemed to embrace the taller male tighter as Izuku inhaled the sweet smell swarming around his head, forcibly tearing himself away to instead let his lips graze the blond's jaw, peppering several loving kisses across the pale skin. Izuku tried his best to ignore the nearly inaudible whine that followed when he pulled away, smiling brightly at his friend and laying them down on the bed.

"We're going to be heroes..." Katsuki whispered with a giddy laugh, legs hooking around Izuku's hips and locking them together at his ankles, fisting his hands into the Alpha's shirt. "We're going to be the best, you hear me?" Katsuki smirked, the underlying message making Izuku giggle.

"Partners?" He asked softly, the blond looking at him with pink cheeks.

"Forever, nerd." He smiled, burying his face in Izuku's chest.

The two spent the rest of the day cuddling to celebrate, their parents not at all surprised to find them asleep later that day with the letters laid on the nightstand.


I hope you enjoyed this! :3

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

648 words

A Gentle Kiss •DekuBaku• /Completed/Where stories live. Discover now