A tenth

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"Where's Kacchan?" The Alpha asked, the red haired beta turning to him in surprise when he noticed him standing in the doorway.

"You haven't heard? He's sick, demanded he be left alone and practically screamed at us when we went to check up on him..." Kirishima sighed, pointing to the bowl of soup sitting on the counter.

"Oh no... Kacchan never gets sick..." Izuku muttered quietly, stepping further into the kitchen before scrummaging around in the cabinet for medicine. He found it easily, setting it on the tray with the soup before picking it up. "I'll go check on him, he'll let me in." The Alpha smiled softly at the small group of betas in the kitchen, Kaminari and Jirou glancing up at him worriedly.

"If you say so, bro..." Kirishima pat the green haired male on the back, Izuku happily heading towards the Omegan dorms. He found his room easily, knocking twice before slowly pushing the door open, his eyes searching the dark room for the Omega. He found him in bed, curled into his blankets with his fingers clutching tightly at his pillow.

"Kacchan?" The Alpha said softly, shutting the door and walking towards the bed with a soft croon in hopes of making him feel better. Katsuki whined, red eyes opening and looking for the Alpha in a panic. "Shh, it's okay. I'm right here." Izuku smiled, clicking on the lamp beside the bed and placing the tray down on the small table. The Alpha sat at the edge of the bed, letting out soft trills and purrs to help calm him down, his hand reaching out to touch his forehead. "Oh, Kacchan, you're burning up..." Izuku sighed, thankful he had brought the correct medicine as he helped the boy sit up in bed despite his whined protests. He grabbed the medicine from off the tray, showing it to Katsuki with a sheepish grin.

Katsuki pouted at it, crossing his arms and shaking his head defiantly. Izuku only chuckled, removing the cap and bringing it close to the Omega's face before Katsuki was shoving his hand away with a pathetic growl. "No! I don't want it!" The Alpha shook his head, offering a soft coo as he once again tried. "I'm not taking it!" Katsuki turned his face away stubbornly, pulling his knees up to his chest with a huff. The larger of the two let out a low warning growl, his hand reaching to cup the blond's face as he forced the boy to look at him.

"Take it." He warned lowly, the Omega narrowing his eyes and chewing the inside of his cheek. He opened his mouth slightly after a few moments with his cheeks flushing pink, allowing the Alpha to give him the medicine. He swallowed it with a whine, his nose scrunching up at the flavor. "I know, I'm sorry..." Izuku purred apologetically, the blond putting his knees down as Izuku reached for the tray of soup. "I brought you soup." The freckled male smiled with a chirp, setting it in the Omega's lap and brushing a few stray strands of blond hair from the smaller boy's face.

"F-feed me..." Katsuki demanded softly, the Alpha happily reaching for the spoon to feed him. Izuku fed the boy as much as he could handle, the Omega making it a point to turn his head away when he decided he didn't want anymore. Izuku set the tray back on the table, sliding into bed beside the sick male while helping him lay back down. "Thank you, Izuku..." He whimpered, the Alpha wrapping his arms around the smaller male while staring at his red-tinted face.

"Of course, Kacchan!" He smiled, moving forward to plant a sweet kiss on his forehead. "Get some rest, okay?" He said, Katsuki already snuggling into his chest.

Katsuki was thankful for the Alpha being there for him, his whole body seeming to be in chaos. He was off of his suppressants for the first time in four years.


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682 words

A Gentle Kiss •DekuBaku• /Completed/Where stories live. Discover now