A Fourteenth

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The room was mostly dark aside from the dim fairy lights strung above the bed as the green haired Alpha cradled the smaller boy close to his chest, crooked fingers gently massaging Katsuki's tousled locks of blond while the Omega stared up at the ceiling. The air around the two was silent save for the low humming of a nearby fan, Izuku swallowing down the awkward words forming in the back of his throat every few minutes the longer he felt the smaller body against his own repeatedly shifting and turning. Neither had dared to move since Katsuki had dragged the Alpha from his own bed and forced him into the nest, though Izuku wasn't sure why. He didn't question it. That was two hours ago. Or three — Maybe four, actually. Izuku wasn't sure; he had lost count of time when the Omega had buried himself in the Alpha's neck so adorably. So the freckled male waited patiently for the blond to say something, anything. While it wasn't surprising that he'd been dragged here, he did wonder why the boy was acting so... Strange. "Kacchan?" Izuku muttered tentatively, holding back a smile at how Katsuki seemed to curiously nose at his scent glands at the sound of the Alpha's soothing voice.

"What, nerd?" The Omega's voice was hoarse and scratchy, dainty fingers gripping tightly at Izuku's sweater as he curled his body to slot closer against the Alpha's. Izuku cringed at the sound. Katsuki sounded awful. What could possibly be wrong? He carefully smoothed his fingers over the boy's scalp, feeling the older boy tense up before relaxing again a few moments later.

"Is... there a reason you're holding me like I'll run away?" Izuku asked with a cautionary coo, sliding that same hand down the male's spine and back up again, patting gently at Katsuki's shoulder. He wanted to provide more affection, but with Katsuki's mood being so unpredictable as of late, he withheld. "I'm not gonna go anywhere, Kacchan. I promise." The blond sighed from his place against Izuku's scent glands, the warm air blowing over the Alpha's skin while he struggled to hold back a laugh from the ticklish sensation. He wasn't sure if Katsuki understood how weird it felt, but he wouldn't bring it up. If the Omega was comfortable, then Izuku wouldn't say anything.

"I fuckin' know you're not, Deku. Just..." The Omega paused with as his lithe body shuddered, the freckled male's ears straining to ear the muffled noise of the Omega speaking into his neck. No noise could be heard despite Izuku's desperate need for the smaller male to continue speaking, the air suddenly feeling tense. It was silent again, until Izuku heard it — The low sound of sniffling filled the Alpha's ears, tears dampening his flesh. Oh. Oh. The Alpha understood now. "J-Just shut up..." Izuku rumbled out a comforting croon as soon as the words left Katsuki's lips, quickly scooping the boy up in his arms and laying him flat against the bed, Izuku's green eyes knitted in concern. Katsuki stared up at Izuku as the Alpha hovered above his trembling body, his red eyes teary and his cheeks flushed. He looked absolutely awful.

"Oh, Kacchan! What's wrong?" The male asked worriedly, leaning in to nuzzle the blond's cheek before moving to stare into his eyes. The Omega only hiccuped in response, fingers tangling in the front of Izuku's shirt to pull him down closer against his shaking frame, wrapping his arms and legs around the Alpha's body with a desperate cry. Katsuki sobbed loudly into the silence, stuffing his face against Izuku's scent glands and inhaling the comforting scent deeply. "Kacchan, shhhh. It's okay, I promise." Izuku cradled the boy with a low, comforting chuff, nosing against Katsuki's cheek as the boy cried. No matter how many times Izuku witnessed it, he didn't think he could ever grow accustomed to seeing Katsuki cry. The Omega, despite having gone through so much, always kept a level head and hardly ever let his emotions shine through. Izuku was proud to be the only person that Katsuki allowed to see when he was at such a low point, but the sight of the blond sobbing in such a heart-wrenching way was still devastating to the Alpha. But he couldn't focus on that now. He needed to help the boy.

"I-I'm scared, Izuku!" Katsuki whined shrilly, the noise echoing in the Alpha's ears and sending a pained twinge straight through Izuku's heart. He should have guessed. Of course Katsuki was still worried about his heat. How hadn't Izuku noticed? The blond had already conveyed his concerns to the freckled male, yet Izuku had failed to realize that Katsuki was still torn up over the idea of Izuku courting him. "Haven't had a heat since that f-fucker-!" The Omega cut himself off with a hiccuped sob, smaller hands reaching up to fruitlessly wipe away the tears staining his pale flesh. "W-What if he knows? What if you- What if you realize you don't want me!?" Katsuki growled and stared up at the Alpha through teary eyes, his small fangs bared and his strong legs tightening their grip on Izuku's hips. "D-Don't fucking want you to leave me! I can't - You can't!" Izuku's heart throbbed upon realizing why Katsuki was so upset.

"Kacchan, I wouldn't leave you! I promise, I'm not gonna leave you. Okay? I'm here for you." Izuku purred gently, his brows knitted as his own eyes began to water. The mere idea of ever leaving the smaller boy pained him beyond belief, Izuku sniffling softly and reaching to cup the blond's chiseled face between his scarred hands. "Please, Kacchan... Don't worry about that. I'm here for you, always. I'll always take care of you, no matter what. You hear me?" Izuku smiled wetly as tears slid down his rounded face, the Omega underneath him huffing and adverting his eyes away from Izuku's.

"Why are you crying, nerd?" Katsuki drawled, wiping his eyes and playfully punching Izuku's shoulder before leaning in to butt their cheeks together with a coo. "I-I know you're not going to fucking leave me, it's just... Stupid instincts or some shit. Besides, I'd kill you before you could." Izuku chuckled, smiling at the blond's words before mindlessly allowing his crooked fingers to trace along the Omega's sharp jaw with a pleased croon. "Like we said... Partners forever. Always." The Omega nibbled at his own lips until Izuku gently pried his teeth away from the soft skin with his thumb, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the male's bottom lip with a smile.

"Of course, Kacchan... Always." He sighed, glancing back up to Katsuki's narrowed eyes upon realizing he had been staring at the Omega's mouth for far too long.

"What are you waiting for, Deku?" Katsuki grumbled, tightening his legs and letting out a challenging growl. "If you're not gonna fuckin' leave me... then don't waste my damn time." Izuku inhaled sharply at the blatant invitation, releasing a low, claiming croon before leaning in closer. Their lips barely ghosted as they each released a nervous breath, Katsuki purring encouragingly before Izuku smiled. Then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Alpha pressed their lips together while they each relaxed their bodies against one another. It was slow and gentle, passionate yet so perfectly sweet. Then almost as fast as it had began it ended, leaving them each breathless and red faced. "Fuck."

"I... Love you, Kacchan." Izuku beamed, his green eyes already becoming teary again.

"Mm... Love you, too. Stupid nerd..." Katsuki smiled shyly, turning his face away before hiding in Izuku's chest.

They stayed there like that for what felt like ages, neither daring to shift even the slightest bit. And when a new, sweet scent bloomed heavily into the air, they simply held each other tighter.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! The next part should be up in a few days!

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

1343 Words

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