22| New Members, New Teacher

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Back at camp...

With the Gravekeepers' tomb now eliminated, the Elite Seven were currently in their tent, resting. The one who received the most injuries was Poney. Akira had received some as well, but it wasn't enough to keep him in a bed.

For right now, it was silent for the most part. Green sat quietly at the table, Akame sitting on the bed Poney was on. Akira was nowhere to be seen, knowing that Najasho and Guy weren't with them.

Green: "...So Guy...and chief, too."

Akame: "We don't know for sure yet. He wasn't badly injured. He only fell into a chasm. I can't believe it'd be enough to kill a guy like chief."

Poney: (teary eyed) "Akame..."

Green: "Heh. Yeah, you're right. I bet he'll suddenly turn up on our doorstep."

Poney: (clenches bed sheets) "You're right...he's our indestructible chief."

From the tent flaps, Gozuki enters inside. They all turn their heads to him.

Gozuki: "Have you guys all settled down yet? Come outside. We have to talk."

The Elite Seven step outside, seeing Gin and Natala outside. Leaning up against side of the rocks was Akira, him sharpening his knife. And like before, his eyes were dull, him blaming himself for not being strong enough to bring everyone back alive. The Elite Seven then return their attention to Gozuki, who was gesturing to a corpse that laid on a tarp. The corpse of one of their fallen allies.

Gozuki: "Take a look at this corpse. At first glance, he looks unscathed, right?" (rolls body over) "But upon closer inspection, check this out."

They take a glance at the body, inspecting it as they were instructed. Looking closely, they see a small cut on his side.

Gozuki: "Even though he'd been cut buy the enemy, it was only a graze, so he probably didn't think it was worth reporting. But in the end, it was a poison that got him. Make sure you don't let that happen to any of you guys."

Some of them had grim looks, Akame having a sad one. Despite it being a small wound, and them having a high resistance to poison, they could still die from it. The evidence was there on the corpse of their ally. Gin gritted her teeth in anger as she looks at Gozuki with a glare.

Gin: (thoughts) 'I'm sure it wasn't that he didn't think it was serious enough to report...if you get injured and don't recover well enough, you'll be scrapped. He was just too scared to say anything about it!'

Gozuki: (looks to Gin) "What's with you? You look like you've got something on your mind."

Gin: "Urk...!"

Natala: (sweating nervously) "You know Gin. She's on edge because she was captured and attacked!"

Gin looked at the blonde boy with slight shock. After being freed, he offered her his jacket so she could cover herself up after what Jamo did to her. And now, here he was, trying to cover for her. Despite all the things she's said to him, she was grateful. Unknown to Natala, it had sparked a small grin to appear on Gin's face.

And so the fight against the Gravekeepers came to an end. Akame's and Kurome's team headed to the capital together.

The pain of possibly losing two additional teammates cut deep, but...in a matter of weeks, everybody had managed to shift back into a normal pattern. 

One Month Later, Imperial Palace

Gozuki was called to Bill's office, the leader of the Elite Seven entering inside.

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