My Beginning

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In May, 2018 was the day I, an eighteen-year-old y/g (your gender) was born. Who am I exactly, well my name is Y/N (your name) Infinity. The first question you may be asking yourself is how was I eighteen on the day I was "born." Well I'm no regular human being. I was created by Cosmic Entities; essentially they are ancient beings that created the Infinity Stones. Now I have everything to do with the Infinity Stones, they are why I was created.

Twenty-one days before I was born, a villain named Thanos was successful with his plan on collecting all six Infinity Stones and wiping half of all life. Trillions of people vanished in front of others, and the people that survived were left confused, scared, and upset. Nobody knew what to do at that moment. They were left wondering if they would be next or what would happen to the world now that half of life vanished. Even the Avengers, earth's mightiest heroes, were defeated and ashamed. For five years, the living mourned the dead. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves, just yet.

Back to the day I was born. On this day Thanos made a decision to destroy all six Infinity Stones. Why did he do it you ask? Well that's simple, he destroyed them out of fear. He was afraid the Avengers would get the stones back and reverse what he did. So he made sure that what he did twenty-one days ago was permanent, but that wasn't going to roll with the Cosmic Entities. See they created the stones because each represented an essential aspect of existence. Space, Reality, Soul, Mind, Power, and Time are all very important aspects of life. So when Thanos destroyed the stones, it was clear on what the Cosmic Entities had to do, replace them. The thing is, they learn from their mistakes. Instead of creating new stones they created me and my siblings.

There are six of us in total. You may be thinking that each of us "represents" an Infinity Stone, and you're half right on that. See my siblings and I each have the powers that the stones provide; the thing that makes us unique is that one of the stones makes the other stronger. That may be confusing so let's elaborate. One of the stones gives one of us an extra power that the others don't have. Now don't think I'm the strongest out of them, because that's false. My siblings and l like to say we are equally powerful, but the Cosmic Entities created us to be able to take down one another if necessary. That's exactly why I have five siblings instead of it just being me. The Cosmic Entities didn't know how someone would react to having all this power. They didn't know if they would pull a Thanos and destroy half of life or even all of life. If someone did this they would be unstoppable, nobody would be able to kill them. So to be honest it was a smart move to create six instead of one.

My siblings and I are not sextuplets. We were all born at different ages. The oldest being Oskar. Oskar was born a thirty-three year old man. Since he is the oldest he believes that he should be the leader of all of us. I don't agree with that. I believe we all should be working together. In the end I agreed to letting him be the leader because I wasn't sure what would happen if I stood up to him. Oskar is quite powerful. He gets his extra power from the Power Stone. All of us have enhanced strength and agility, as well as energy projection. What makes my brother unique is he can manipulate energy. Oskar can do a lot with his powers. The difference between our powers and his is that we produce a line of energy but for Oskar it can be a whole ball of energy. To be honest Oskar is a scary person. His resting face looks like he wants to kill someone. If you ever come across Oskar, the best thing to do is look away and keep walking. He has brown hair that is always up in a bun, and dark brown eyes. To top it off he is super tall; 6'5" to be exact. Oskar's extremely intimidating.

Second oldest is Brandon. He is thirty years old. Now Brandon is the opposite of Oskar; except for the fact that they're both tall. Brandon is only two inches shorter than Oskar, putting him at 6'3". He is the type of guy who you wouldn't want to stay away from. He is sweet and understanding. You can always count on Brandon to help you with a problem; even when you don't ask. He just knows when you're feeling sad. Brandon has dirty blonde hair with green eyes. Now it's ironic that he has green eyes because he is given his extra power from the Time Stone (which is green). Now the Time Stone allows us to manipulate time, even creating a time loop if necessary, but what makes Brandon unique is that he can turn back time or go back in time further than any of us. My siblings and I can only go back three years while my brother can go back to the creation of the universe if he wanted to. I always like using my Time Stone powers, but somehow I always mess something up and Brandon ALWAYS has to fix my problems. He started to give me lessons from that moment on.

Next is Tamarra. She is basically a Brandon 2.0; personality wise. Tamarra is twenty-six years old, she is so wise and has an old soul. She's another one you can always count on. I can never lie to her. It's almost like she has a sixth sense, and can smell the lies, so I choose not to lie to her. I also look up to her so much. Even though she's my sister, she could easily pass as my mom. She cares about me so much, sometimes a little too much for my liking. I like to sneak off to different planets and when I come back Tamarra is always awake waiting to make sure I'm okay. Now Tamarra is a very gorgeous woman. She has long, but not too long, black hair and beautiful green eyes. Tamarra stands at 5'7". Her extra power comes from the Reality Stone. She can manipulate reality, while the rest of us can turn matter into dark matter. She's another one that gives me lessons but not because I messed anything up, but because she wants to make sure I master them when or if I ever need them. I never use the Reality Stones powers because I'm scared I'm gonna mess something up, knowing me.

Next up is Delia. I absolutely hate her. Twenty-three year old and acts like she is the boss of me and only me. I find it to be completely annoying. I've approached her about this multiple times and have even asked Tamarra to talk to her, but she doesn't care and still does it. She is a total bitch. Another one to stay away from. She is attached to Oskar's hip. Delia admires him so much but Oskar could really care less. He mostly stays in his own lane. As much as I dislike her, she's very pretty. Delia is a pretty short woman, she's 5'3". She has shoulder length blonde hair with baby blue eyes. Also ironic because the Space Stone (which is blue) gives her power over ALL of space. To be honest I don't really know what she does with these powers. She ignores me when I ask her about it. If I was handing out powers I wouldn't give Delia hers. Knowing her she's gonna make herself or Oskar ruler of the universe. Anyway my siblings and I can teleport all over the universe, which is something I have come to love doing. On top of that we can manipulate matter. An example would be turning a solid into a liquid or vice versa.

Next is Rafeal, or Ralph as I like to call him. He's only a year older than me (nineteen) but if you didn't know that you would think we are twins. Him and I are inseparable. We do everything together. When we aren't together though, he isn't the same person. Rafael is a very shy and quiet man, especially around my siblings because he's scared of them. But when he's with me he's comfortable. He's funny and laughs at everything I say (even when it's not funny). He's also extremely loyal, I can always count on Ralph to back me up in any situation. Ralph has short brown hair and blue eyes. He isn't that much taller than me, I would say only two inches. He gets his power from the Soul Stone; he has the ability to steal, control, manipulate, and alter any living or dead soul while my siblings and I can animate the motionless. So basically if we wanted to make a bush come to "life" we could. Ralph never uses any of his powers really. He doesn't want to be like this, he just wants to be normal and live a perfect life. I don't blame him to be honest, sometimes I wish I could too but at the same time, I love the power that runs through my veins. I have all this freedom, kinda. I could be stopped at any time by my siblings but I haven't yet.

Now I have saved the best for last, that would be me, Y/N. Sorry sisters and bro's but I am by far the coolest. I have e/c (eye color) eyes, as well as h/l (hair length) h/c (hair color) hair. Also I'm y/h (your height). I'm extremely rebellious and I would like to say I have a sense of humor. I'm definitely the troublemaker of the six, which really pisses off Oskar but I love to do it. As there is only one stone left I think you can guess which one I'm given powers from, the Mind Stone. My powers are quite easy but I have to say they are quite powerful. My siblings and I have telekinesis and we can also astral project, but me, I can control minds and I am a telepath. Once I mind controlled all of my siblings but it only lasted three minutes because I passed out; it was too much power for me to use at once. Ever since that incident my siblings have been treating me like I'm five, except for Ralph. Sometimes I feel like they think so low of me, like I'm someone they have to watch carefully, and if they aren't careful I'll break. I love all of my siblings, yes even Delia, but they have to understand that I'm an adult and I can take care of myself. 

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