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We all walked to what was left of the building. Bruce was leading me inside while the rest of the Avengers' were behind me keeping guard just in case. When we arrived inside, all of the Avengers', except for Tony, Bruce, and I sat down in the common room. We went into a private room to get the stones off.

It was silent, deathly silent. They didn't talk, and all I heard was their breathing. The only time they made noise was when they moved the wrong way and were in pain. It didn't take them long to remove the stones, maybe fifteen minutes. The walk back to where the rest of the Avengers were, was just as awkward. The silence was very nerve racking.

The deja vu I'm getting right now is unreal. This is what it felt like when Peter and I were going to talk to the Avengers. But this is a totally different situation. I just stopped Thanos and saved Tony, but the only person who knows that is Strange. Not to mention I wielded the Infinity Stones without a single scratch. I didn't even realize I was in front of all of them until, I'm guessing Captain America, cleared his throat.

"So are you going to tell us who you are?" Tony asked from beside me.

I nodded my head. "My name is Y/N Infinity" I laughed, "I've never introduced myself more than this past week."

"Infinity as in the Infinity Stones," Bruce wondered.

"Exactly like that," I answered.

"So, who are you exactly because I'm a little confused on how you were able to do that?" Tony was referring to before when I was holding the Infinity Stones.

"I don't know if you heard what I said to Thanos before, but...I am the stones." I got a lot of confused faces so I just continued. "My siblings and I were created to 'replace' the stones." I saw people's mouths starting to open, and I figured I knew what they were gonna ask, "Yes, there are more of me."

"How many," Steve asked. I took a second to study Captain America because I've never actually met him. I've seen him before but this was the first time I was actually talking to him.


"So let me take a wild guess, each of you represents a stone," Tony suggested.

"Now I get the genius part," I teased. "You would be half right on that. See when Thanos destroyed the stones in 2018, they weren't his to destroy. The universe, or Cosmic Entities, created the stones as an aspect of life. So when Thanos destroyed them, the Cosmic Entities weren't happy. They created my siblings and I. At first we were confused and scared but then we discovered our powers and learned a little bit more about ourselves; we became more confident.

When it comes to us 'representing' a stone, that's where it becomes complicated. We get our powers from the stones. We all have the same powers except for one, and that one power comes from the stone that we 'represent.' I get my extra power from the Mind Stone, so my siblings and I have telekinesis and astral projection. But I'm unique because I can control minds, as well as telepath; my siblings can't," I explained.

"Is this true Wanda," Bruce asked.

"I can't look inside y/p head."

"That's because you got your powers from the Mind Stone, I basically am the Mind Stone."

"I saw over fourteen million alternate futures and I never saw this one, but here you are," Strange said from behind a large group of people. Everyone snapped their heads to look at him.

"Look again." I twisted my wrist and made the Time Stone appear in my hand. I walked over to Strange, everyone parting like the Red Sea, and handed it to him. He started looking and we all waited patiently for him to finish. He gasped for air, once he was done. Everyone had worried looks on their face but I was confident.

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