Returning the Stones

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"You can't take him with you," Pepper yelled. A lot of people murmured in agreement.

"Y/p has to," Tony replied to Pepper. "Just because Y/N saved me here, doesn't mean I'll actually be in the future."

"They're right," Bruce voiced behind Pepper.

"Well how long do we have with him," she asked me.

"I'm actually going to return the stones with Steve. So we need a platform built. How long will that take?"

"A little over an hour," Bruce commented.

"A little over an hour," I answered Pepper's previous question. I had a feeling that this wasn't gonna sit well with everyone. Even if I did save him, he was still going to leave them to come back to the future. But it was the only way for everything to work out. So I guess they have to find it in themselves to understand.

"Wait who determined that Cap was bringing the stones back," Clint questioned.

"Well Thor doesn't seem to be in the best shape to come with me and Cap is the only other one that could lift Mjölnir."

"Okay, but why do you need to go?"

"Call it extra protection, plus I'm the only one who can actually hold a stone without dying." Clint seemed to shut up after this. I didn't intend to be so harsh, but honestly I was done with everyone questioning me.

"Well I guess I 'll see you in an hour," Bruce said. I gave him a grateful smile.

Tony was walking with Bruce before he turned around to me, "If you want you could join us." I instantly followed, having nothing to do out in the common room with everyone else. "But if you break anything, I wouldn't hold back shooting my repulsor this time."

This earned a laugh from me, "I would love to see you try," I teased him.

It was a long walk from the common room to the lab because, according to Tony, their main lab was destroyed in battle, and they had to find one that was still operating. Bruce and Tony walked in first but I was right behind them. I was overwhelmed with the astonishing technology that was present in this lab. This lab was different from the one from the future. It looked like it had a lot more technology. Must be all of Tony's equipment. But if this wasn't the main lab, I could only imagine what that one looked like.

I was broken out of my amazement by Tony speaking... to the ceiling. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., you still with me?"

I gave him a confused look before an Irish voice startled me, "Of course boss."

My mouth was on the floor. Tony and Bruce chuckled at my reaction. "Hey, I'm basically an alien. We don't have this stuff up in space."

They just chuckled more and directed me to a table where the stones were situated. Someone must have moved them to the lab after they took them from me earlier.

"The only thing I'm concerned about is the Space Stone. We took it from the Tesseract, but we had to break it in order to actually get the stone.

"Do you have any remains of the Tesseract?" The men looked at me weirdly but nodded their heads yes. I let out a little breath of relief, "Well I know just what to do."

While I grabbed the remains of the Tesseract they began working on putting the other stones in place. Whatever was left of the Tesseract I liquified and then molded it back into a solid, and placed the Space Stone inside. I went to turn towards the others telling them I finished, but they were already looking at me, shocked.

I glanced at the other stones, the Power Stone was in the orb, the Mind Stone was back in Loki's scepter, to be honest I don't know how they managed to do that, the Soul Stone was just by itself, and the Aether was still the Reality Stone. So I did the same thing on the Reality Stone that I did on the Tesseract, I liquified it. I made sure to put the Aether in an injector, seeing as though it has to go back into someone.

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