Questions Answered

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When I arrived back I was angry. Angry at my siblings for not helping me, and even angrier when they told me not to do it. I'm so glad I didn't say I was going to save Natasha because that would have been a whole other fight. As much as I hate to admit it, I see where they are coming from. They don't want me to get hurt except Delia; she doesn't care.

I finally relaxed my brain after ranting to myself for an hour. To be honest I was so tired. In the last two days I haven't been able to sleep with all that's been going on: talking to my family, Peter asking me for a favor, and meeting with Strange. Wait, Strange! I told him I would explain to him soon. Ugh another thing I have to do, but it can wait for tomorrow right now I need my sleep.

After getting a good night's rest, I got up and decided to talk to Strange today. I would answer any question he had unless it was too personal. I know I'm obligated to answer any of his questions but he has good intentions behind it all. He just wants to protect me and maybe he can help with my mission.

Before I went to Bleecker Street I thought I would call Peter and ask if he wanted to come with me since he knew the magician. I called him and told him I have something to ask but before I could get the chance, he told me he had someone he wanted me to meet. This confused me because who could he possibly want me to meet? After the call he texted me the address and I arrived at his little apartment in Queens. I knocked twice before he opened the door and let me in.

"Nice apartment. Do you live alone?" I asked

"Oh no. This is my aunt's place but she's currently at work," he replied. I couldn't help but look around. It was much smaller than my apartment but yet again I didn't have to pay for mine.

"So you said you wanted me to meet someone." He signed and moved aside from his door. I looked in and saw a girl no older than the age of nine or ten.

"This is Morgan." I smiled and waved at the girl. He continued, "Morgan Stark." My breath hitched and I froze. Stark. As in Tony Stark. Was Morgan his daughter?

"S-Stark," was all I could say. I was beyond shocked. I never knew that Tony had a child. I looked at Peter once again and he nodded at what I said before.

I looked back at the girl and she looked just like her dad. Brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She smiled at me and asked, "What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N Infinity.It's nice to meet you," I smiled at her.

"You too. Peter, can we get cheeseburgers now," she whined.

"Yes, I just have to speak to Y/N for a second and then we can go." She nodded and went back to playing what looked like a racing game with shells and bananas. He pulled me into the kitchen before saying, "You wanted to ask me something?"

"O-oh yeah, I was going to go to Strange and talk to him. I wanted to ask you to come with me but since you seem preoccupied I'll leave you to it."

"Oh no it's okay, I'll come."

"What about Morgan?"

"I can call Happy and ask to take her."

"Happy? Is that actually his name?"

He laughed, "Yes, it is. But it's not a really fitting name because he always seems to be grumpy." I chuckled at what he said.

"Are you sure you want to come?"

"Yes, I'm kinda interested to hear about your backstory."

After we finished talking Peter called Happy and asked if he could watch Morgan. Of course he agreed and said he would be there soon. While we waited I watched Morgan and Peter play, what I now learned was Mario Kart. I even played a couple of rounds but got my ass completely whipped by Morgan.

Twenty minutes passed and Happy arrived. Peter told me to wait in the apartment while he walked Morgan down to Happy. Once he came back I asked him a question that has been in my mind since talking to Morgan.

"Does she know?"

Peter gave me a confused look and asked, "Know what?"

"What I plan on doing."

He signed, "No. I thought that you should be the one to do it."

I thanked him because truthfully I did want to tell her and the other Avengers. I wanted to see their faces when I told them because seeing their reactions will make me know that what I was going to do was right.

We walked to Bleecker Street and Peter told me more about himself. The reason I didn't tell him anything was because we were going to Strange to talk about myself, and I don't think Peter wants to hear everything twice.

We arrived and walked into the sanctuary. Peter and I just looked around waiting for Strange. "I expected you to be back later. Oh and you brought a friend. Spiderman," Strange greeted Peter, appearing behind us. His voice made both of us jump out of our skin.

"Strange," Peter said.

"Yeah well my siblings made me mad so I'm here to spill all their dirty little secrets."

"These siblings of yours must be on another planet seeing as I can't sense their powers."

"Yeah they are, but I expected you to be able to sense Brandon; seeing as he 'represents' the Time Stone." When I said this Strange looked at me weirdly. Understandable because he doesn't really know anything. "So ask me your questions."

"How come you possess the powers of the Infinity Stones?"

"Well we all know that Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones back in 2018, so I was created to almost replace them."

"So if-if you wanted to snap y-your fingers you can d-d-dust half of all life," Peter stumbled, scared. I shook my head and Peter sighed in relief.

"No, only the actual stones are capable of that. Yes my siblings and I are powerful but the Infinity Stones are more powerful than us."

"What did you mean when you said Brandon 'represents' the Time Stone," Strange recalled.

"I have five siblings which means there are six of us and there were six stones. But we were all given one extra power from a different stone. So whatever stone we got the extra power from, we agreed that would be the stone we 'represent.'"

"So who represents who?"

"I'm the Mind Stone, Oskar is the Power Stone, Brandon is the Time Stone, Tamarra is the Reality Stone, Delia is the Space Stone, and Rafael is the Soul Stone."

"What powers do you have?" Peter blurted out.

"Too many to say kid," I laughed.

"Hey, I'm not a kid." He sounded so offended but I just shrugged my shoulders and looked at Strange. He seemed to be thinking hard, but hey so would I if I learned all of this information.

Strange stepped closer to me. "Can we trust that you are on our side?"

"I definitely am, but I can't speak for my siblings. If they ever become a threat I will help you stop them." He nodded at me.

"Well I've asked all the questions I wanted to. I advise that we keep in touch. Now, do you have any questions for me?"

I looked right at Peter trying to see if he could guess what I was about to say, but he didn't seem to get the hint so I telepath him, "Can he help us?" Peter looked wide-eyed at me scared and confused. I just laughed at his face. It was priceless. "I'm a telepath, we talk through thoughts."

Peter chuckled, "I'm sorry, anyway. I'm not sure but I would say talk to him about it." I nodded at him.

I turned back to Strange who was glaring at us. "Not much of a question but Peter and I plan on bringing back Tony Stark." Strange froze in place.

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