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Making my way back to Vormir, I bolted to the mountain. Even though I arrived twenty-five minutes early, I still wanted to get there before they climbed the mountain. I look at the sky and see the jet that Natasha and Clint arrive on. I switched to flying to hopefully go faster, and I did. I landed right in front of the stairs they were climbing down. "Natasha," I said. They drew their weapons at me, and I immediately threw my hands up in surrender. "I mean no harm."

"Yeah, that means shit to me," Clint responded and I laughed.

"What's so funny," Natasha spat.

"You have no idea how much I've been threatened this day, let alone week," I replied.

"Also means shit to me," Clint piped up again.

"Okay, well I need Natasha to come with me."

"Yeah, that's not happening." He stood in front of Natasha protectively.

"Why," Natasha asked.

"I'm here to save you, and bring you back to the future with me." They both falter their agents' faces for a second but quickly recover.

"What do you mean save me?"

"You are about to sacrifice yourself, and I'm trying to prevent that."

"But we have a mission."

"I know that, but you've already won."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm from the future and I can assure you, you beat Thanos, but Natasha you don't make it off this planet."

"How can you be sure this is a good decision?"

"Well, I've already brought back Tony, why not you as well?"

"W-what T-Tony," Clint questioned.

"Yeah, Natasha wasn't the only one to sacrifice herself. He did it during the battle that takes place later in the day," I responded.

"That bastard always has to out due me." We all chuckled.

"Look I know you're probably skeptical about this, but I promise you it's your decision; I am not going to force you to do something you don't want to do."

"Does anyone know that you came for me?"

"Only Bruce. With Tony, I knew he was going to agree, his ego is too big to stay dead. But with you, I wasn't entirely sure. I didn't want to give people hope just in case you decided to stay back."

"I don't want you to leave," Clint begged.

"You'll see her in the future, but if she stays, she will die."

"Wow, way to lighten the mood."

"I'm sorry but it needed to be said."

"Kind of sounds like you want me to go," Natasha laughs.

"I do, but it's your decision."

"What will happen if I do go back with you?"

"An alternate reality would be created."

"You're going to have to elaborate, we don't do science," Clint commented.

"Sorry, so when I bring you back, this lifetime, I guess you could say, would continue on."

"No, I can't leave him."

"Whatever happens to him now, doesn't affect what happens in the future. He'll be there waiting for you."

"Do it Nat," Clint demanded. She whipped her head around to him. "What good would come with you not doing this? You're going to die if you stay. I would rather you be alive and in the future with me, then stay and be dead. So do it."

She nodded her head, "I'll miss you."

"You'll see me in a minute."

They shared a hug. Clint looked at me, "What's your name?"


"Well Y/N, thank you."

"Of course," I smiled at him.

Natasha turned her attention to me, "So how do we do this."

"I presume you know what this is," I said, pulling the miniaturized time travel suit from my pocket.

"Yeah I do, but how the hell am I going to fit in that."

I pressed a button on the case and it grew, right to Natasha's size. "Everything is already set up, time, day and location. I was thinking we could surprise everyone, so your location is different from mine. So when we arrive you would just run down to where we are but wait until I call you."

"Sounds like a fun idea," she agreed.

"So, what the hell am I supposed to do," Clint asked me.

"Well, you go back, but I would lie if I were you because I'm afraid you and the past Avengers are going to show up in the future to get her back," I joked.

"Alright, I can do that." He looked back at Natasha. "Be safe please. I'm expecting you in the future."

"I will. I love you dumbass."

"I love you too, idiot."

I looked at Natasha. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's do this." And with that we took off.

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