The Plan

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Strange stared at us for a good two minutes with his eyes wide. Like bug-eyed wide. I turned to Peter and he just shrugged. "Um... are you okay?" I got no response. "O-Okay look we-we know it's crazy and you may not think it's a good idea, but we do. We believe something should be done."

I still got no response. I rolled my eyes tired of the silence in the room and hit him with a line of my purple energy. I didn't hit him hard enough where he would fly back but just with enough to bring him back from his thoughts. "Hmph, s-sorry about t-that," Strange stuttered. "So bringing Tony Stark back that's going to be hard. How do you plan on doing that?"

"Well I figured I would go back to 2023, and stop him before he snaps and then just bring him back here," I said like it was obvious.

"Good plan, but you can't just bring him back to the future. Do you know what an alternate reality is?"

"I do and if anything my sister Tamarra can just erase it, if it becomes a problem." Little did Strange know that I was lying. I never asked Tamarra if she would, and I know for a fact she won't. But oh well.

"Okay, but you can't change anything else from the past; too many alternate realities will be made," he glared.

"Yes I understand and that's exactly why I need your help. I need you and Peter to be my guide because I don't know the exact events of that day."

"No, Peter and I can't help you; we were there. What we can do is tell you exactly what happened and you must follow what we say."

I nodded my head. I can't say I'm not nervous because I am. I'll be doing this by myself with the possibility of messing up, but I can't do that. I can't be reckless. I have to follow the plan and fight like I've never fought- wait. I've never actually fought someone before. I mean of course I've used my powers but fought against another person, haven't done that yet. Crap. I'll have to tell Peter that later. "So when do we start?"

"You are going to arrive right when all the dusted people do. Just so it won't look too suspicious. When the fighting happens stay out of major fights; you don't want the attention on you until it needs to be."

"Well that's no fun," I chuckled.

He glared at me, "I thought we agreed we would be doing things my way."

"Yeah, sorry."

"Okay, so you can try and stop me from showing Tony that this was the only way to stop Thanos, but I doubt I will listen. I'm very stubborn, but it wouldn't hurt to try." I nodded my head. I didn't even try to hide the grin that was on my face. "Make sure you are on the lookout when Thanos and Tony are together; that's when you'll need to step in." I rolled my eyes; like that wasn't the most obvious thing ever.

"Is that all I need to know?"

"Yes, I will be sure to tell the Avengers about you and your plan," Strange said walking away from us.

"Wait!" I caught his attention and he turned around. "I was hoping you wouldn't tell them because I wanted to."

"Fine, but tell them soon." I nodded my head and Peter and I walked out.

It had become dark out and Peter told me he needed to do his night parole. I thought that this would be the best time to tell him I haven't actually fought and maybe he will take me with him. "Can I come with you?" He turned his head to the side and gave me a confused look. "I've never actually fought someone before, and if I plan on going up against a Titan I need all the practice I can get."

Peter tried to suppress his laugh but it wasn't really working. I gave him an offended look. "Sure you can join me, but do you have a suit of some kind?"

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