dark ocean

392 1 4

3rd pov

The entire group know of the Dark ocean, but of them only about 4 of them have been there and understand more or less what it is. Ken has no shortage of dislike of the darkness, nor does Kari, while Yolei and T.K simply have no wish to ever have to deal with it again. T.K will if he has to, but honestly that world bothers him and weakens him quite a bit in comparison to normal. His crest is Hope and he represents that. He is tied to Hopes, and his power depends on them. He will always have his friends hopes with him, all of the Digidestined tied to him, but he looses the power he gets from the rest of the area - whether that be digital world or real -  once he enters the Dark ocean.

Hope is not a thing in great abundance in the Dark world, no reason to hope since none of them ever appear to change, grow stronger slowly and they always appear down. They have few to no friends and they lose hope really quickly. Or at least that was his understanding of it from the brief time he went there to get Kari. Yolei has a lesser understanding, but she knows her crests had helped to keep her safe from most of whatever had happened in that world. The four had shared their experiences with the rest of the Team so they would know what the Dark ocean felt like in case it came after them, but none of them ever expected this.

They had been fighting a newer digimon, something that hadn't even told them its name before attacking. Like the digimon of old, it is simply one of evil under no influence, so the 4 new ones have trouble, Ken because he does not wish to harm digimon again and the other three because they don't know if they can do it. Kari has some reservations, but she understands why and T.K has no problems with this. Maybe he should, but he and the original 7 had to kill in order to survive their first time here and he accepts that now. T.K is the only one fighting at full strength in the area, the others all holding back just because they do not want to actually kill a digimon. 

So, when it opens a portal and then forces all of them through - all knocked unconscious as soon as they pass through - none of them are sure what they 're expecting to wake up to, but it's certainly not sand. They're not too close to each other, but they can see each other and so as they start to rouse, they get up and head towards the closest person. Kari is the first, heading towards Cody and upon meeting up with him heading for Ken. Davis starts to head for the others, seeing that they're grouped up, and silently starts to do a head count once he gets there. They all share glances. Yolei had come to join them from off to the side, and all of their digimon appear to be having no problem wherever they are.

"Where's T.J and Patamon?"

The group looks around, the digimon that can taking flight to get a better look, but they can see nothing for a good while. They set off in a direction, towards what appears to be a cave, and it gets darker the closer they get. It's only as they get within a good mile of it that all the light goes out, as if someone had hit the light switch. Well... not all the light. All of them are glowing, though some of the light coming off of them is weaker. Davis glows a bright blue, that is outside of a - currently - duller but no less pretty orange fire taking the lovely form of a dragon. Ken is a lovely purple, appearing to almost take the shape of a panther as it moves. Kari is a pink, the light turning into a lovely tiger covering her.

Cody is an purple and light blue, his taking the form of a lion that settles directly behind him. Yolei glows red and green, easily taking the form of a lovely griffin that settles across her. They all pause, realizing what this means, and start to look around for some other color, cause surely this must mean T.K is glowing as well.  It takes a few moments, but Yolei let's out a shout and the others follow her finger, finding a dull, almost pulsing yellow over by the forest. They hurry along, wondering what has happened. As they get closer, they can see that Patamon is awake and trying to shake T.K awake, but it does not appear to be working. The small digimon is close to tears and frankly the others are all struck by worry as they get closer. Compared to them, even the duller colors - Davis' orange, Yolei's green and Cody's purple - are still far brighter than he is.

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