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3rd pov

In the world they live in, humans all have wings. They are different colors, material, textures, different everything. You will never have a pair of wings that are exactly the same. They might look the same, but they won't feel the same and they most certainly will not fly the same. Depending on the type of wing - feathered, leather, sometimes metal though those are extremely rare - the way the person flies varies. Some people can just fly like a bird, others have to build up, several can only drift, some are low fliers, other high fliers. There are a great many ways to do this and for the wings to be different, but the meaning behind the wings is not lost.

The wings colors, type, texture and material all stand for something. The texture is a representation of what the person is most like - softer textures meaning the person is typically a friendly person while harder textures are people who do not appear to be looking for friends or anything - while the color can mean a great deal of things. Some colors mean passion, others mean personality, others still refer to the person's very soul. Material can tell you what kind of determination and will the person has - feathers being pretty resilient and stubborn, the metal are a pretty neutral line and the leather is a group of people that typically are rather weaker willed, though they can have really strong wills during certain times - as well as what kind of life they might have lived early on in life. 

The Digidestined kept all of this in mind as they became friends, not bothering with it unless they think it can help them. In the digital world, their wings are a little different. The colors change almost extremely, while the shape also gets altered a bit more. None of them are entirely sure why and the digimon have no explanation, so they just accept it and take what they get. The wings are a literal part of them, clothes designed entirely for people to have their wings out. The entire group have different wings, and they don't care what society thinks when they are spotted together.

As a matter of fact, most people don't learn to fly until they're like 10, so Tai and Matt had taught Kari and T.K how to fly together, helping both of them with no judging or anything, despite the fact they were only blood related to one of the people they were teaching. (Fucking with timeline. Pretty sure T.K moved not long after the original digimon ended and moved back at the beginning of 02, but fuck that.) By the time they're 16 and getting ready to go into highschool, the older kids are in various nearby areas - Joe and Izzy in college, Tai and Sora doing sports scholarships, Matt starting a band, Mimi had gone to America to tour around, but had returned and started as an intern to some fashion person in the town - and they don't get to hang out often, though they still make time for anniversaries and such. They had long since gotten used to the ache of not seeing their digimon, but it still hurts.

However, none of that prepares them for the digital world to reopen and select three new Digidestined for them to work with. Cody, Yolei and Davis are odd, but their wings are honest and the older kids have no reason to judge them, though they are certainly wary and all that. However, the older kids all accept that they are too busy to be able to help all that often and they also trust T.K to take over if anything requires immediate action. Kari is too naïve and wishful to take charge and she was never really behind the whole ' kill the evil digimon' that they had going during the first adventure, though they didn't have to do it often since by the time she joined, it was mostly the dark masters controlling digimon.

The older group occasionally get the chance to join in, though it's rare for more then one to be able to go unless it's Izzy - who is gliding through his classes with ease - or Mimi - who has certain days she has to go in but otherwise is free -  so the younger group take the chances when they can to get stories out of the original Digidestined, especially during the meetings, hangouts and anniversaries. They also try and hangout whenever they have free time. Especially during Flock day - the day one of them wants to just be surrounded by warm and fluffy things as well as their family - and during the shedding season. The Digidestined are far more open about their shedding than most people, especially since they had been shoved into life or death situations in another world. 

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