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Au. It's hinted at that the digimon can feel their humans through a bond and that the bond is what allows the digimon to digivolve. What if, after the bond reaches a certain level, death for either of them - the digimon or the human - could mean true death, no coming back, nothing.

3rd pov

The Digidestined had not always been aware of the bonds they shared with their digimon, let alone the power it could hold over them. Over the course of their first adventure, only T.K grows close enough to ever truly understand the depth of the bond, simply for the fact that he had lost it. He understands now, what it would be like - even for just a moment ( a smidge of time that had felt like forever) - to never have Patamon there ever again, to be alone in a way that has no words to truly describe the depths and darkness there. 

T.K can feel the bond, after Patamon digivolves to Patamon and not his starter form, in a way he had not been able to feel before his partner had died. The best way to describe it, is the point where the bond connects within him - his chest - is almost always warm, a constant warmth he can rely on, and in his mind he can always feel a certain presence, not a specific feeling or thought coming from it, but a light that stays with him and that is always with him - except for that one time( no, don't go there, it's ok, he's here, you won't let it happen again, nothing like it, never, you treasure the bond you have but it's not worth the price) - no matter what. 

For a while, the feeling gets muted after they leave the digital world for years and let it heal, their partners staying there. All of them can tell their partners are alive, but only T.K can tell more than that. They honestly don't ever think they might encounter the digital world ever again, aware that it will always exist but not thinking that the portal would open again during their life time. However, that is obviously wrong as the youngest of their group enter middle school and 3 (4)new Digidestined are picked out. The older group help T.K and Kari teach the new kids as often as they can, but they're all busy now and they do not have as much time.

The first time they reunite with their digimon partners, the bonds had flared bright, all of them getting closer to the one T.K and Patamon share, something that they always look at in interest. They wonder if maybe his death had just jumpstarted the bond and deepened it a lot quicker, and dying might not actually be required to form a bond as deep as they have. They share a moment to grieve over that and then move on, helping Davis to further understand his partner, using what T.K knows of his personality to encourage him to understanding. 

Kari is trying, but her understanding is only so far since she had less time to bond with Gatomon compared to the rest of the original group and it shows, with the way she stutters over an attack name or she hesitates to give orders to her partner, compared to T.K's confidence or quick thinking, both of which have saved them several times, though Davis' courage, Cody's reliability and Yolei's love have also helped them in times of great need. Kari's light and T.K's hope very rarely ever stop helping, with light always creating balance with the darkness and T.K"s hope making sure the light is always - well, light. 

The new group are quick to grow and bond, especially as they face the Digimon emperor - who, despite everything and the way he acts towards digimon, cares deeply for his digimon - T.K can see it. He has a feeling, deep in his gut that this person, he will be the only other one to get the deep bond just as he has and he refuses to let that happen. However, he has no way to stop it and he's forced to watch Ken almost die in front of them. T.K can see Ken starting to fade, the light in his eyes dying as the bond finishes deepening to a depth that's equal parts breath taking and terrifying, and he acts

T.K marches past where the others are arguing, not noticing when he catches their attention or them calling him. Patamon follows, already knowing exactly what's going to happen and planning on helping. He has a pretty good idea of where Wormmon will be, so he starts forming a portal. Normally, he wouldn't be able to do this, but with the bond as strong as it is, he can even as Patamon, so the portal slowly forms. T.K grabs Ken by his upper arm and guides him to his feet, knowing that if he does anything too hard, he might very well shatter in his hand. With slow movements and gentle hands, he leads the former emperor towards the portal.

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