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3rd pov

None of the younger generation are aware of what exactly T.K does for them, not for a long time. They all know the popular quote - When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends - as well as the well known paranoia that it is always the quiet ones you should not ever bother. They are after all, the one person most likely to take you down in a beautifully specific way. Or dramatic, either way would work. However, they had never thought to apply it to their blonde, who they often forgot was part of the original group from the beginning, unlike Kari who came through about halfway through. 

They had all observed the original group - often invited to picnics, games, anything they thought would be fun - and noticed some things. Tai and Matt seem to be protective of everyone, but in all honestly, the entire original group had proven to be extremely protective of each other, though all of them appeared to have it twice as bad for T.K and poor Kari got it pretty bad too. ( No one ever, ever brings up the incident with the fucktard who had insulted T.K in front of Joe, that involved a lot of fire extinguisher foam, a trip to the E.R - for the fucktard, not them - and a very angry Joe for days after. They never let him near a lighter again.)

T.K had grown up for a year surrounded by these people, all of them aware that they could die at any time, bonding, growing, living together stuck in another world, and so the protectiveness they can understand. It's just not often they have to be protected against humans, especially with how often the digimon appear to get in trouble or bring trouble with them. However, the younger generation are also 100% certain that T.K would have any of their back's - even Davis admitted to it when asked - and would help based purely on their words. The Digidestined are not known for lying, not to each other if they can help it - omitting some information may be a form of lying, but they all know it's necessary sometimes - so T.K knows he will never have a reason to doubt them.

The entire reason the younger generation figure out something's wrong is because some new girl that had transferred to their school for some reason or another ( they have no way to know that she was transferred for bullying a student so bad they almost committed suicide, or that it was not her first time) and they never have a reason to bother with the new kids, so they don't bother learning her name or anything of the like. (A/N some of you may recognize this. Yes, I am borrowing the idea of Lila Rossi from Miraculous Ladybug - not the character, but the idea of her itself.) However the new girl had immediately set her sight on this group of teens because they ignored her - the sexiest girl to ever exist, in her humble opinion - and gave her no attention.

She had tried spreading rumors, but the group she was targeting are known for good behavior - for the most part(looking at you, Davis) - so none of them stick like she had been hoping and trying to go to teachers for bullying or theft or other such things did not work, because they refused unless she had some form of proof or a location. The school has cameras for a reason and while there are a few blind spots, the new girl has no way of knowing where those are and it's not like she can break in without getting spotted. So she goes to the next best thing, in her opinion : aiming for the group themselves. She tries to go for Davis, but he proves to be both too smart and too dense to realize what she's doing, Kari refuses to have anything to do with her after hearing how she tried to start rumors and being so busy herself, Cody does not want to be bothered and a teen going up to a third grader looked weird, Yolei is a grade above them and has a lot of work, both from school and her family business. The other guy she sees with them does not go to their school, but he seems far too naïve to see through her. 

So, upon having all of that work fail, she sets her sights on T.K. He had not been avoiding her, and he stays polite, kindly excusing himself from every conversation before she gets time to plant seeds, doubt or anything of the kind, and for obvious reasons, that pisses her off. She had been trying for months to get into this group and break them apart, and she's about done with them. She has done this at about 30 other schools, leaving the town or city or whatever before any kind of justice could be brought to her, and yet she can not get between these people at all. So she goes to the last resort, a choice she would regret much, much later if she knew the meaning of the word. She goes for the direct attack.

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