Chapter 1

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"Hinata dumbass! Stop that!"

"C'mon! Faster, Ryu!"

"Get off of me!"

"What do you think you're doing?"

I could hear the yells from outside the thick-walled gym. I stopped just in front of the gym doors, Ennoshita right next to me. School had just ended, and volleyball practice just started. I'm the boy's volleyball team manager with Kiyoko; I have been since my first year. I let out a loud sigh and Ennoshita chuckled nervously.

"As chaotic as ever" I grumbled.

I slammed the door open, and stormed in. Everything was complete mess. Hinata was holding a tennis racket(where the hell did he get that from?!) and trying to bounce a volleyball on it while Kageyama repeatedly told him to stop. Nishinoya was on Tanaka's back, ordering him to run faster. Tanaka was complaining and Asahi was in a corner praying. 

"Where the hell are Suga and Daichi?" I questioned.

Ennoshita shrugged and plugged his ears, knowing exactly what was about to go down. I sucked in a breath.


Everyone stopped in their tracks and shook from fear as I yelled that. They all immediately got their act together and started stretching. Asahi came over with a pleased expression.

"Thanks so much, L/n-san" he said.

"They need to learn to act properly even when there's no one to put them in place. Little shits" I cursed.

Asahi smiled nervously and left to go stretch with his team, Ennoshita following. I walked over the side and got my notebook out, ready to observe. Finally, our captains arrived....but still no Kiyoko. I walked over to them.

"Where's Kiyoko-senpai?" I asked.

"Oh, she's sick today. Probably won't be here tomorrow, either" Suga answered.

I nodded and they got to practice. 

I looked up at the clock and saw it was 5:00 pm. Shit! I need to get to work.

"Daichi!" I yelled.

Daichi looked my way.

"I gotta go now! I'll see you all tomorrow!" I yelled.

He nodded and waved. I changed my shoes before running off to my job.


"Welcome back, Master!" I greeted our new customer with a bow.

Yup, I work at a maid café. It's pretty embarrassing, but it pays well. Thankfully, no one in our school really cares for stuff like this, so I rarely have to worry about seeing someone I know.

"Right this way, please" I said.

He followed me and sat down, his face a beet red. I handed him his menu and continued working. I walked back into the kitchen to grab another customer's order.

"Y/n-chan! I have a favor to ask!" Yaki(my boss) spoke.


"We're short on staff today. Could you work double shift and lock up, please?" she asked.

Double shift? But there's practice tomorrow, and Kiyoko won't be there since she's sick. But I can't just turn this down. It'll get me more money, and I suppose it won't be too long. I nodded with a smile.

"Sure thing, ma'am!" I chirped.

"Oh, you're awesome! Thank you!"

She hugged me and let me get back to work. A few hours later, the doorbell dinged once again and it was my turn to serve. I walked up to the front and saw Ennoshita. I smiled and bowed.

"Welcome back, Master!" I exclaimed.

"This way, please" 

I led him to a table and handed him a menu.

I exited the café and locked the door behind me. I turned to see Ennoshita right there and jumped. What the hell does he think he's doing?! Sneaking up on me like that?!

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled.

"Usually, you'd be at home and sleeping right now. What happened?" he asked.

I blinked and started walking home, Ennoshita right next to me.

"Yaki-san had me work double shift tonight since we were short on staff" I answered.

Ennoshita sighed and looked up at the stars.

"You need to stop overworking yourself" he said.

"Hey I'm not overworking myself! I'm just being responsible!" I exclaimed.

"Waking up early to go to practice, school, staying late for practice, work, getting home late, waking up early again. Is there any time for you to even do your homework? Or eat? Sleep?" he responded, looking to me.

Oh....I didn't realize that. I usually just shower and go to sleep after work. Then, in the morning, I grab something light to eat so I don't have any trouble running around and helping Kiyoko. And I do my homework during lunch, which doesn't give me enough time to eat. That means I only eat breakfast, but everything else works out, so it's not that big of a deal, right?

I heard Ennoshita sigh then felt his hand slap the back of my head. I held the spot and glowered at him.

"What the hell was that for?!" I yelled.

"For being irresponsible"

"I'm not-"

"I'll fix you up some dinner. Come on" he interrupted me.

I sighed and followed him. I hate when people do things for me, but right now my hunger is beating my stubbornness. 


"Thanks" I grumbled.

"You're staying the night, too. It's too late for you to go home" Ennoshita stated.

"Since when did you start getting so bold?" I asked.

"If you can't care for yourself, I'll have to take care of you" he answered, looking to me with a serious expression.

I guess that makes sense. Still, I don't need to be in his debt. Why is he suddenly acting like this? Normally, glaring at him would make him back down in an instant, but now he's defying me. He won't back down from this. I looked down, my face feeling hot. I suppose....this is what friends are for, after all. Not that I'd know anything about that.


A small frown formed on my lips as Ennoshita got up and washed our dishes. He's too kind for his own good. Someone's going to come along and use that kindness for their own entertainment. I let out a small sigh and looked up to him; his back was facing me as he stood at the sink, humming to his own tune and scrubbing the dishes. Why is he so nice, anyway? Doesn't he know the dangers of that? Is he oblivious to all that, or does he just not care? Whatever, I'm done thinking about this. 

I stole some of Ennoshita's clothes from his closet and a clean towel from their hall closet before showering. Man, that's refreshing. I used my spare brush in my bag(because my hair's rude and knots up in the middle of the day) to brush through my h/l, h/c hair. After I finished my nightly routine, I snuggled up in the guest bedroom and fell asleep fast.

Karasuno's Maid?(Ennoshita x Fem!Reader x Sugawara)Where stories live. Discover now