Chapter 6

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A few days had passed, and Takeda finally found a coach. We have a practice match against Nekoma tomorrow, and all the boys seem pretty psyched about it. I'm not sure if I can go, though. Tomorrow's Little Sister day at the café and Yaki really wants me to work since I have a "soothing aura". I don't think I do, but I'll see if I can take off anyway. I want to see my boys up against their rivals. Yes, I call them "my boys", because they are.

"Y/n" Ennoshita spoke.

I hummed in response. School just ended, and we're headed to the gym right now.

"Are you gonna be able to watch the game tomorrow? You said there was some event or something at the mai-hmphmp"

"Shhh! Don't say it out loud! That defeats the whole purpose of keeping it a secret!" I scolded, covering his mouth with my hand.

His face turned a bright red and he nodded.

"Hm? Keep what a secret?" a cunning voice said from behind.

I jumped and turned to see the one and only Tsukishima Kei and his servant, Yamaguchi. I growled and looked away.

"Nothing" I lied.

He smirked mischievously.

"Is there a secret relationship between player and manager?" he asked teasingly.

"Mind your own business, salt shaker!" I snapped.

"Hey! Hurry up and get changed! Practice is about to start!" another voice yelled from the opposite direction.

We turned and saw Suga standing at the gym doors with a scowl on his face.

"Whatever. Come on, Tadashi" Tsukishima said, turning and walking away.

Yamaguchi followed without a word. Ennoshita left as well and I jogged to the gym.

"Sorry for holding them up, Suga" I apologized.

"It's no worry. Anyways, are you able to come to the practice match tomorrow? I heard Daichi-san saying something about you missing it" Suga asked.

We entered the gym together.

"'s just, there's some...stuff I need to do that day, b-but I might be able to push it aside" I replied.

Suga nodded and sent me a smile.

"Cool! It'd be great if you could watch us play" he said.

I felt my face getting hot and I could only nod. Suga left as Kiyoko ran up to me.

"L/n-san! I heard you wouldn't be able to make it tomorrow. Is something going on?" she asked.

I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's nothing special, but I might be able to skip on it" I answered.

"Good. You'd be a great help tomorrow" she responded.

We walked along the side of the court, occasionally dodging stray balls, until we got to our normal spot on the sidelines. The missing members of the team arrived and practice started.

I had to leave early again for work. I got there and immediately changed into my maid costume. On my way out, I ran into Yaki.

"Wait- Yaki-san!"

She turned around and flashed me a smile.

"Y/n-chan! Do you need something?"

"Actually, I was wondering if I could work double shift today and have off tomorrow? There's something going on at my school and it's really important to me" I asked.

"Of course! What's going on?"

" volleyball team's holding a practice match against their rivals tomorrow..." I explained.

"Ooh! Sounds fun! You're the manager, right?"

I nodded and she sent me another smile.

"Alrighty then! I'll see if Chika-chan can cover your shift" she said.

I bowed.

"Thank you, Yaki-san!"

"No problem. You're always working hard!"

I nodded and rushed to the front when I heard the bell ding.

My last customers just left and I got a little break. I went into the back to see if anyone else needed help, which they didn't. About five minutes later, the bell dinged again and I rushed to the front. I froze mid-bow when I saw who our new customer was.

Right in front of me, was none other, than the bratty first year: Tsukishima Kei. Well, a very taken aback Tsukishima. Dammit! This job was supposed to be a secret! Everyone thinks I'm a mean, scary manager. How are they gonna react if they see I'm a maid?!

"Uh-uhh..." Tsukishima started.

"Uhm.....W-Welcome back.....M-M....M..." I struggled to speak.

Sorry, but I just can't call Tsukishima "Master". Tsukishima regained his composure quickly and chuckled. Ooh, the nerve of this guy!

"What's the problem? Cat got your tongue?" he teased.

I looked away and growled.

"W...Welcome back.....M-Master..." I forced out the words.

"Th-This way, please"

I led him to a small round table and bowed again, handing him a menu.

"I never thought I'd see the L/n Y/n working as a maid of all things" he commented.

"Just shut up and order" I grumbled.

He took the menu out of my hands and looked at me amusedly.

"That's not how a maid should treat her master" he spoke.

I rolled my eyes. Screw this. I'm going all out. I bowed again and looked at him innocently.

"Please tell me when you're ready to order, Master" I said in a girly voice.

He blinked and hung his mouth open from surprise as I walked away. I'm not going to let him get the best of me. He's just like any other customer. He'll come and then he'll go.....hopefully.

......I couldn't be more wrong. He made sure to make my life a living hell, though.

"Hm...this place isn't that bad. Maybe I should bring the team here" he taunted as I handed him his food.

I bit my lip and bowed.

"L/n! I'd like a refill, please!" he called after me.

I growled and stomped over to him, snatching the glass out of his hands.

"Ooh, nevermind. Maybe I should just tell everyone how bad and mean this café this" he commented.

I froze. Reluctantly, I bowed.

"I...I'm sorry...M-Master" I apologized.

He smirked as I walked off to refill his drink.

"I'm gonna spit in his drink. No, I'll poison it! Yeah, that way he can't go talking" I muttered to myself as I walked into the kitchen.

I sighed. Tonight is going to be long.

Karasuno's Maid?(Ennoshita x Fem!Reader x Sugawara)Where stories live. Discover now