Chapter 11

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We finally arrived at the park and found Suga sitting at a bench, scrolling through his phone. I ran up to him and pressed my forehead to his. He looked up from his phone and smiled when his eyes met mine.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi!" I chirped.

I pulled away and he slipped his phone in his pocket with a laugh.

"You sure are energetic" he remarked.

"Heh heh....yeah..."

He stood up and his mood entirely changed. I followed his gaze and saw Ennoshita, who was giving him the death glare. Oh no. This isn't going to work with both of them here. I need one of them to leave....

"Ennoshita!" I called.

Ennoshita switched his attention to me and his face softened.

"You should head home. I'll see you at school tomorrow"

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again with a pained and angry expression. Suddenly, the grass beneath my feet seemed really interesting. There was an awkward and tense silence as Ennoshita left.

I feel bad, but we have plenty of time to spend together. I'm sure he'll understand. Suga cleared his throat and I snapped my head up to him.

"Well, do you wanna do anything?" he asked.

"What's open at six in the morning?"


That awkard silence returned, so I sat down in the grass and started pulling grass blades out of the ground.

"We could always just walk around; enjoy the fresh air" Suga suggested.


I jumped up and followed Suga, who was already walking to the sidewalk. I remained silent as we walked. I really hope Ennoshita isn't mad. Who am I kidding? Of course he's mad! I just hope he doesn't leave me. Did I make the wrong choice? Does he hate me now?

"What's wrong?" Suga asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Uh nothing..." I lied.

"It's about Ennoshita, isn't it?" he guessed.

My head shot up to him.

"You're worried he's upset" he continued.

"Yeah, kinda" I confessed.

"If he's really a good friend, he won't leave you. So there should be nothing to worry about, right?"

I smiled and nodded.


It was a peaceful walk. The sun started rising, so we sat small hill so watch it.

"Uh, I actually, kinda, wanna tell you something" Suga spoke up.

"What is it?" I asked, turning my head to him.

God, his eyes look so beautiful in the sun. A nervous smile spread formed on his lips as he mustered up the courage to speak.

"Well, L/n-san, I really like you. I have for a few weeks now, actually" he confessed.

I stared at him in disbelief. Is he joking right now?

"Are....are you joking?! This better not be some prank!" I yelled.

Sorry, but I'd rather catch him in a prank then get caught in one. He rolled his eyes and crashed his lips onto mine, shutting me up immediately. He pulled away after a few seconds. Wow, I miss his lips already.

"Does that answer your question?" he asked.

"Um-well-" I stuttered out.

How the hell does he expect me to say a full sentence when he just kissed me?! He chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't tell me you need another one" he said, smirking my way.

"A-Another would be nice..." I mumbled.

"Hmmm maybe" he teased.

He leaned in closer. So close I could feel the heat radiating from his body. He held a smug look on his face.

"Tell me that you love me" he requested.

"Love? That's.....that's a very strong word" I muttered.

"Then I'll just have to make you mean it" he whispered.

I felt my heart beat faster and butterflies in my stomach. With a sigh, he stood up and brushed himself off.

"Sadly, that wasn't the answer I was looking for. So I guess you won't be getting that second kiss" he announced.

He reached his out to for me to take, which I did. Damn, I really wanted that kiss.

"Come on, I'll walk you home" he said with a smile.

A/n - Sorry this is kind of a short chapter, but it's all I can really think of at the moment😅 I'll try to update faster, though!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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