Chapter 3

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Finally, it's Friday. After practice today, I can finally relax for the next two days. Yaki was kind enough to let me have off today. Practice just finished and everyone's cleaning up. Hinata helped me gather the volleyballs and I rolled the cart to the storage room.

I put the cart in the far corner, then it all went dark. What? What's happening? Did the door just close? I hear footsteps. Who is that?

"Hello?" I called into the darkness.

They didn't answer. I growled. 

"Is this some joke?! I swear if it is-"

I was cut off by two hands gripping my upper arms and pushing me into the wall. Panic rose in me and my flight-or-fight kicked in. I squirmed, trying to get out of their grip.


I stopped and froze when I felt someone's hot breath run down my neck. It's getting harder to breathe, and my face is heating up. What's going on? Why can't I see? Who is this?!

"Why won't you talk to me?" they whispered into my ear.

Everything stopped; time froze. I know that voice. Of course I do. I hear that voice everyday.

"E-Ennoshita? Wh-What-"

"You're ignoring me. Why?" he demanded.

I gulped. These past few days I have been ignoring him. Truth is, I let my thoughts get the best of me. I decided that he's been my prisoner long enough; I finally set him free. I stopped forcing him to be my friend. He seemed fine, though, so why the sudden outburst? 

"Why?" he spoke again, harsher this time.

His grip on my arms tightened, and I winced. This is starting to hurt.


"Please talk to me" he pleaded.

"L-Let go of me!" I yelled.

I shoved him as hard as I could, but he grabbed my wrists. I squirmed and tried to free myself of his grip, but he's too strong. What's gotten into him? Why is he like this all of a sudden? 

"Let go!" I yelled again.

"No! I wan-"

"Get away from me! What's wrong with you?!" I shouted at him.

He paused, and I used that to push him away and run out of the storage room. No one was there when I got out. I guess they left the keys to Ennoshita tonight. I felt something warm and wet run down my face. Sniffling, I used my hand to wipe my eyes; I'm crying. How pathetic.

I bit my bottom lip to stop its shaking and squeezed my eyes shut to try and prevent the tears from falling anymore. Why did he do that? What was he trying to do? I swallowed the lump in my throat and changed my shoes before grabbing my bag and running home. I thought this weekend would be relaxing, but now I won't be able to rest with this on my mind.

The weekend passed, and Ennoshita left me alone the entire time. I guess he finally caught on that I cut his chains; he doesn't have to be by my side anymore. It's Monday now, and I'm walking to school, but really slowly. It feels like time has slowed all together. I was right. This friendship really was one-sided. I let out a loud sigh and face forward.

"A new week, a new star-..."

I froze. That was Ennoshita's phrase. Why am I saying it? It doesn't even make sense. I closed my mouth and continued walking.

Ennoshita POV

Monday's finally here. I've left Y/n alone. She told me to, so of course I listened. Now that I think about it, I always do what she says. Maybe that's why I feel so confused right now; like something's missing. Because something is missing; she's missing. It's weird, but I've grown dependent on her. 

I huffed and looked up to the sky, stopping to watch the sun rise. I still have quite some time before I need to get to school. I woke up early, like always, to wake up Y/n and walk with her, but remembered that I wasn't going to. I'll be sure to see Y/n at practice this morning, and then we have homeroom together.

 I really messed up. I tried talking to her all week, but she refused to answer any of my questions. Even her coworkers noticed that she was acting weird. I guess, I thought that if talking to her wouldn't work, I would have to force the answers out of her. I realize now just how messed up and selfish that is. I didn't even consider how she would feel about that.

"Dammit. What's wrong with me?" I wondered out loud.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, breathing in the morning air. After a moment, I opened my eyes. I feel calmer now. I continued my walk to school.


The final bell rang, and I slung my bag over shoulder and left. I have work today, so I told Daichi that I wouldn't be able to make it to practice. Actually, I don't have work until later, but I just can't face Ennoshita. I skipped morning practice because I accidentally woke up late; I'm just so used to Ennoshita calling me to wake me up. And then I missed homeroom because I was still walking to school. And at lunch, I ate alone in the library. Yup, I completely avoided him today.


"Y/n-chan! Thank God you're here!" Yaki exclaimed when I entered.

"Huh? Why?"

"We barely have any staff today! Customers are piling up and all of our maids are already overwhelmed with our normal customers!" she explained.

"Ok, I'll get straight to work! And I can work double shift tonight, too" I offered.

"That would be amazing! Thank you so much, Y/n-chan! You're a life-saver!"

I changed into my maid outfit and immediately got to work. Yaki was right; there were only about three other girls here, and the entire café was packed with customers. I asked who they needed help with and went to the table. I bowed to the girl.

"I'm so sorry for the wait, Mistress. Are you ready to order?"

"U-Uh yeah...I-I'd like the rice omelet, please" she ordered.

"One rice omelet coming right up!"

I wrote it down and rushed to the kitchen and gave one of the cooks the order. 


"Phew. Finally done" I said as locked up the café.

I stuffed the keys in my pocket and walked home. I don't know if I can keep this whole "avoiding Ennoshita" thing up. I've managed a week now, but it's getting harder and harder. No, I need to let him go. I can't drag him back into this.

Karasuno's Maid?(Ennoshita x Fem!Reader x Sugawara)Where stories live. Discover now