Chapter 9

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"Uh-uh..." I trailed off.

Is he really willing to go to this just to get an answer?! It doesn't seem like he's getting off anytime soon.

"Alright~! Lunch is ser-" Mrs. Ennoshita stopped mid-sentence.

We both looked toward the door and found a surprised Mrs. Ennoshita between the threshold and half-open door. We all froze at the awkwardness for a few seconds, but Mrs. Ennoshita was the first to act. She angrily ripped her house slipper off and chucked it at her son's head.

"Ennoshita Chikara! I did not raise you to treat women with such disgrace!" she yelled.

The slipper hit him right in his eye and he yelped in pain. He quickly scrambled off of me and I sat up.

"Y/n, honey, are you ok? Did he do anything to you?" Mrs. Ennoshita asked me.

", i-it's fine" I answered.

"Come on. I made lunch. Let's eat it while it's still warm" she cooed.

She guided me to the kitchen and sat me down at their table while she grabbed my plate for me. She set it down in front of me and sat down next to me. Ennoshita soon entered after and took his seat across from me, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

"Well, it's almost six o'clock. Y/n, do you want me to drive you home before I head off to work?" Mrs. Ennoshita offered.

"What?! You have to work on Saturdays?!" I exclaimed.

She chuckled and nodded.

"How else do you think I pay for my family?" she replied.

"Ennoshita, you need to get a job and help out" I commented.

"Eh?! Why am I being dragged into this?!"

"Hush! You're still in trouble for earlier!" Mrs. Ennoshita scolded.

Ennoshita immediately shut up and looked to the ground. I felt my face heat up remembering earlier today.

"A-Anyways, a ride home would be great! Thanks" I changed the subject.

I slipped my shoes on and climbed into the car with Mrs. Ennoshita.


"Here we are" Mrs. Ennoshita announced as we pulled in front of my house.

I took off my seatbelt and opened the door, but paused when I heard her speak again.

"And Y/n, I really am sorry about earlier. I have no idea what's gotten into that boy's mind" she apologized.

I turned to her with a smile.

"It's no worry, Mrs. Ennoshita! Besides, you shouldn't be the one to apologize. Goodnight! Thanks for the ride!"


I fully got out of the car and closed the door, walking to the front door of my one-story home. It's just me and my mom. It always has been. When my dad found out my mom was pregnant with me, he ran off. I know; what a coward. My mom's been pretty sour to me most of my life, but she still tries her best. I entered the house and slipped my shoes off.

"I'm home!" I announced.

"Y/n, have you eaten dinner yet?" Mother asked.

She always has this official tone in her voice, as if she's always talking to someone with higher authority. Maybe her job drilled it into her. I don't know. I shook my head.

"I'll fix something right now. Any requests?"

"Nope. I'll eat just about anything" I joked.

If she understood my joke at all, she didn't show it. I deadpanned as she just walked into the kitchen without another glance. I followed her and sat down at our table, my eyes boredly following her as she cooked dinner.

When she finished, she placed one bowl of noodles in front of me and placed another across the table, where she sat. I immediately dug in after a quick prayer.

"So, make any new friends yet?" Mother inquired.

"Mmmm.....well there's the volleyball club, but I doubt they consider me as their friend" I replied glumly.

I really don't think anyone on the team even wants me there. They're all probably just too scared to kick me off. I stared glumly into my bowl of noodles, my appetite suddenly disappearing. Mother sighed and dropped her chopsticks into her bowl.

"You have this mindset that nobody likes you or cares about you, but that's just not true. Really, you teenagers are so dramatic" she commented, going back to her food.

My bottom lip trembled and tears pricked at my eyes. I stood abruptly, slamming my hands onto the table. My hair cast a shadow over my eyes, and my breathing was uneven.

"I'm going to bed" I announced shortly before running off.

Maybe I am just dramatic. Maybe I'm just overreacting about this whole thing. Maybe she's right. Well, whatever it is, I don't want to deal with it right now. I closed my door, making sure not to slam it, and fell onto my bed.

She complains about me never being home, then she complains when I am home. All she does is complain. Can't I do anything right? I sighed loudly and pulled out my phone. I need to vent to someone right now. I scrolled through my contacts and looked for someone to talk to. I paused at two contacts: Ennoshita and Suga.

I bit my lip as I debated on which to pick. Well, it's probably best that I don't get Suga involved in all this bullshit. I clicked on Ennoshita's contact and called him. He picked up almost immediately.

Ennoshita: Hello?

Y/n: I need you to come over.

Ennoshit: Huh? Why? Did something happen?

Y/n: Just come over.

I hung up and waited for Ennoshita.


I heard knocking at the door, and I ran down the hall. I threw the door open and pulled Ennoshita in, closing and locking the door behind him. I dragged him to my room and closed my door behind us.

"Now would you tell me what's wro-"

He paused when I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into him. I could feel his heart beat faster against his ribcage. He wrapped his arms around me and dug his face into my neck.

"Was it her?" he asked softly.

I nodded and buried my face into his shirt. His warmth is comforting, but I don't really know why.

"I'm your best friend, aren't I? You should feel comfortable to tell me whatever"

His words rang in my head. I sighed and closed my eyes. I don't feel like talking right now, so I won't.

Karasuno's Maid?(Ennoshita x Fem!Reader x Sugawara)Where stories live. Discover now