Chapter 10

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"How are you feeling?" Ennoshita asked.

He ended up staying the night since I wouldn't stop talking. I don't when it happened, but at some point, we both fell asleep on my bed. I didn't realize that until just now, when I fully opened my eyes to see nothing but maroon. Rubbing my eyes, I looked up and saw Ennoshita's sweet face.

The top three buttons of his long sleeve shirt were unbuttoned, revealing his collar bone and part of his chest. I looked back up at his face and found light-but-still-noticeable bags under his eyes. Did he sleep at all last night?

"Like absolute shit" I answered, my voice croaky.

I went to sit up, but Ennoshita pulled me back down.

"You should sleep some more. It was two in the morning when you first fell asleep" he suggested.

"What time is it now?"

"6:00 am"

"It's been four hours. That's enough to function halfway" I said.

"You're joking, right?"

I shook my head and looked at him innocently. He sighed and pulled me all the way down, my face burying in his bare chest. My face suddenly felt hot and my eyes widened.

"You need to sleep. Four hours isn't nearly enough time" Ennoshita demanded.

"E-Ennoshita! Yo-You need to stop d-doing....doing stuff like this!" I exclaimed.

"Hm? Like what?" he questioned.

Does he really not know what he's doing?!

"S-Stuff like-like this. I-It's all normal, th-then suddenly you just...just...." I trailed off.

How do I even describe this? Ennoshita pulled back and propped himself up on his elbow, facing me with a curious expression. I kept my gaze on his exposed skin as I explained.

"Everything's normal, then just suddenly.... get really.... affectionate and do unnecessary stuff"

"Oh....uh, I'm sorry" he said.

He started moving away but I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.

"Yo-You don't have to stop!" I said in a hurry.

"Huh? But you just said that I needed to stop...?"

I scooted closer to him and buried my face into his chest.

"Whatever. I'm still tired......and I'm cold" I mumbled.

I heard him lightly scoff then felt his arms wrap around me. I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent, my heart beating faster by the second.

Sadly, just as I was about to sleep, my phone started vibrating rapidly. I groaned and checked who the hell was calling me at six in the fucking morning!'s Suga! I sat up and answered the call a heartbeat.

"Hello?" I asked excitedly.

"Uhh hey, L/n. It's Suga-"

"I know! I mean, um, h-hey!" I interrupted.

He chuckled from the other end of the phone, causing a smile of my own to appear. Ennoshita sat up with a confused expression.

"Who is it?" he asked, his voice hushed.

"Suga" I mouthed back.

"Hm? L/n, is someone with you?" Suga asked.

"O-Oh yeah. It's just Ennoshita" I answered.


He sounded angry. Is he ok?

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Fine..."

"Ok'd you call me?" I asked. 

"Oh, sorry. I know it's kind of early, but-"

"Eh?! N-No, it's totally fine! No worries" 

I laughed awkwardly. I looked next to me and saw Ennoshita rolling his eyes. He rolled over on his side so that his back was facing me, and let out a loud sigh.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? I-I couldn't really sleep, and no one else answered..."

"Of course! I would love to! When and where?" I asked. 

"Uhm, right now at the park by the school?"

I agreed and hung up. I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet.

"Hmm what should I wear, Ennoshita?" I called to the lump on my bed.

"I think you should forget about that pervert and go back to sleep" he answered.

"Hey!" I scolded, throwing a nearby slipper at his head.

"What have I said?! Suga is not a pervert!" I yelled.

Ennoshita rolled back over and sat up, tossing the slipper to the side.

"Oh yeah? Then what do you call his actions in that storage room?" he questioned.

I didn't answer, silently admitting defeat. He's got a point. It was a perverted move, but that doesn't make Suga a pervert! 

"Whatever! Being a pervert's not a bad thing! I mean, look at Noya and Tanaka!" I argued.

"You're using them as examples?"

"They're not bad! Sure, their academic skills suck, but they're still good friends! And they respect women!" 

Ennoshita looked away and bit his lip in frustration. 

"Tch. Whatever"

He got up and walked past me.

"Wear whatever you want. I'll wait for you downstairs" he announced before exiting the room, closing the door behind him. 

With a huff, I turned back to my closet and placed my hand on my chin. I could wear just a regular shirt and jeans, or maybe something a little fancier. I don't really have anything fancy, so I guess my regular clothing will have to do.

I pulled a (fav color) t-shirt off its hanger and changed into it. Then, I grabbed a folded pair of black ripped jeans and put them on, and topped it all off with a red hoodie. I threw my socks on and ran downstairs. As promised, Ennoshita was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. He turned it off and looked up.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded with a smile. He stood up and slipped his shoes on, and I did the same.

"Wait- you're going with me?" I questioned.

He nodded and walked out the front door. I followed him out and locked the door behind us. My mom's probably to get mad at me for not telling her about this, but I have a good three hours before she wakes up. I'm sure I can make it back home before then. 

I wonder why Ennoshita wants to come with. Maybe he's just looking out for me. But I don't need a personal body guard! I can handle myself perfectly fine! I let out a short breath and crossed my arms, scowling at the figure in front of me.

Karasuno's Maid?(Ennoshita x Fem!Reader x Sugawara)Where stories live. Discover now