Chapter 2

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"Welcome back, Masters!"

I bowed and flashed the two men a cheeky smile. They smiled back.

"Follow me, please, Masters"

I led them to a table with two seat and handed them their menus.

"Please tell me when you're ready to order" I said before bowing and walking away.

Before entering the kitchen, I looked back to our new customers and saw them holding hands. A smile made its way onto my face. A couple on a date at maid café; that's cute. 

"L/n-chan! You're actually smiling! Did something happen?! Are you sick?!" Kiromana exclaimed.

Kiromana Matsu; 19 year-old girl who works full time. She has black curly hair that stops at her shoulders and deep blue eyes; her height is 173 cm(5'7). Kiromana placed the back of her palm to my forehead. I cringed and pushed her hand away.

"No, I'm not sick! I just saw a couple that's all!" I replied.

"A couple? Since when were you interested in couply stuff?" Kiro butt in.

Kiro Chika; 17 year-old girl who works part-time with me. She has long, brown hair and hazel eyes, and she's also 173 cm. 

"Awww does Y/n-chan finally want a relationship?" Yaki cooed.

"Wh-What?! No! I-I just thought they were cute!" I exclaimed.

"But why does this couple spark your interest? Couples come in here all the time" Kiromana asked.


How will they react if I told them this couple was gay? I mean, they all seem pretty accepting, so there wouldn't be any bad reactions, right? Here it goes.

"They'" I said.

They all blinked at me. 

"Y/n-chan....does this mean you're a lesbian?!" Yaki exclaimed.

"Wh-What?! I didn't say that! I-I just thought it was cute! That doesn't mean I want a gay relationship!"

"I think lgbtq couples are really cute, too. I especially love when they can so shamelessly show it off!" Kiro chirped.

I nodded in agreement and everyone went back to working. I let out a sigh. Sometimes, working with only girls is worse than dealing with all boys; something I never thought to be possible. Well, at least I can switch back and forth. I, too, went back to work.


"So, no bossing around today?" I asked.

My shift just ended, and now I'm walking home with Ennoshita.

"Not unless it's necessary. Which, I hope it won't be" Ennoshita answered, looking to me.

Sometimes, he can be quite intimidating. I nodded and looked at the road ahead of us.

"How were they? While I was gone?" I questioned, referring to our team.

"You're not the only one that can control them, Y/n. That's why we have captains, and hopefully a coach soon"

"You mean Takeda-sensei hasn't found anyone yet?"

"We haven't gotten any updates, but I'm sure he's working on it"

He sent me a reassuring smile, which caused a smile of my own to appear. Is this what it's like to have a friend? I've always labeled Ennoshita as my best friend so my mom would stop bugging me about it, but does he feel the same way? When I met him, I just sort of claimed him and dragged him with me everywhere.


"Y/n, do you have any friends yet?" my mom asked at dinner.

I shook my head and continued eating.

"No, I don't need any" I replied.

She sighed and dropped her chopsticks onto her plate.

"You need to make friends. You're in middle school now. You can't live your life all alone; it's unacceptable"


"Haha! What a loser!" 

"Aw look! He's crying!"

I heard some guys yell out insults and other rude stuff from my swing set. I looked around and found a group of boys my age in a circle, surrounding someone. Curiosity overtook me and I walked over to inspect it. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.

"Leave us alone, weirdo!"

"Yeah, Ms. Loner! Go do your weird alien stuff!" 

I growled and punched both guys in the face. The others ran off and I towered over them.

"Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm weird! I'd rather be alone than hang out with shitheads like you! Now scram before I pound your repulsive faces in!" I yelled.

"Y-Yes, ma'am!"

They got up and ran off. I glared at them until they left my line of sight. With a huff, I turned my head to see a cowering boy on the ground. He was shaking all over and he looked scuffed up.

"Were those boys picking on you?" I asked.

He nodded and faced me. Tears streamed down his dirt-covered face. I kneeled down and held my hand out. He flinched from the sudden movement.

"Huh? What's wrong?" I questioned.

"'s just...they were hitting me" he answered shakily.

I clenched my fist and took a deep breath. I flashed him a smile and grabbed his hand, pulling him up.

"Well, they won't bully you anymore! I, L/n Y/n, will make sure of it!" I exclaimed.


I nodded.

"Yep! You're my best friend now!" I declared.

"O-Ok. I'm Ennoshita Chikara, by the way"

Flashback Over

That was in our first year of middle school. I've carried him around since then, and those bullies never came back either. Ennoshita's gotten stronger and bolder, though he's still sweet and kind of a pushover. 

"What's on your mind?" Ennoshita asked.


"What's on your mind?" he repeated.

"I already told you! Nothing!"

"What's on your mind?"

"Are you just gonna keep repeating that?!"

"Yep. Until I get an answer out of you, at least" he answered.

"Why do you even care?!"

"What makes you think I don't care?" he asked calmly.

"Because-" I stopped myself.


Because this friendship is one-sided. I forced him to be my friend; he just went along with it.

"N-Nothing...." I lied.

Ennoshita sighed and stayed quiet the rest of the way. I messed up, didn't I? Maybe I should've told him. I don't know why I didn't. Maybe because I'm too scared of losing him. He's been my only friend for a while now, and I don't want him leaving. But, am I trapping him? Imprisoning him by forcing him to be by my side at all times? If I set him free, will he run?

I sighed and shook my head. I need to get these thoughts out of my mind. I have more important things to focus on.....yeah, totally.

Karasuno's Maid?(Ennoshita x Fem!Reader x Sugawara)Where stories live. Discover now