Chapter 7

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"Ugghhh!" I groaned, repeatedly banging my head against a lamp post.

It's the next morning, and I'm walking to school with Ennoshita. I told him all about Tsukishima's little visit last night. Ennoshita leaned against the other side of the lamp post and looked at me.

"Was it really that bad?" he asked.

"He kept threatening to bring the entire team there! It was hard enough having to deal with him, but the entire team?! God, I'd be the laughing stock for the rest of my time in Karasuno!" I cried out.

"Well, maybe he'll keep quiet. After all, it's not like he talks to any of us besides Yamaguchi" Ennoshita replied.

"I guess...." I grumbled.


We were the last ones to morning practice due to my little fit earlier. I immediately saw Tsukishima and he had the evilest smirk on his face. That face. I want to punch it to oblivion. I stormed over to him.

"Tsukishima. Uhh.." I started.


"....C-Could you keep the whole maid thing a secret?" I whispered.

"What?" he asked, the already big smirk growing.

"You heard me. I'll....I'll do whatever. Just, please don't tell anyone" I pleaded.

" L/n actually begging?" he teased.

I growled but didn't answer, refusing to meet his devilish eyes. He chuckled.

"Well, for starters, you could start by being nice to the team" he stated.

Being....nice? That's it? That doesn't seem too hard. I nodded.

" my maid" he requested.

"What?! No, you pervert!" I yelled, gaining the attention of some of the team.

"Uh-.....sorry" I mumbled.

"I didn't mean it like that, idiot. I meant do whatever I say" Tsukishima spoke.

"Just for the day" I said.

"For the week" he argued.


"Hey guys! There's this really cool-"

"Ok ok fine!" I interrupted him.

He smirked my way and walked off to stretch with the team. I growled and walked over to Kiyoko. She eyed me with concern.

"What was that about?" she asked.

"Nothing..." I lied.

The final bell rang. Tsukishima hadn't requested anything yet, and that worries me. If he's not abusing his power right off the bat, he must have something evil planned.

I walked to the gym with the other second years. Today's the day we have a practice match against Nekoma. I've heard of them a couple times. Their school colors are red and black, and their volleyball coach was rivals with our old coach Ukai. They don't have star players, but a team all with great individual abilities as well as team abilities. They sound like a threat. We got to the gym and the guys ran off to change while I went over to Kiyoko.

"L/n-san! You made it!" Kiyoko chirped.

I sent her a smile.

"Yeah. I was able to push some things aside" I replied.

Karasuno's Maid?(Ennoshita x Fem!Reader x Sugawara)Where stories live. Discover now