Chapter 37

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The next morning you woke up in your bed. You tried to get up but two pairs of arms locked you in from moving. Bokuto was behind you while Akaashi was in front of you. You poked Akaashi's face, he groaned and he stirred in his sleep. He let go of you and rubbed his eyes before he opened them.

"Good morning, love." He said with a smile on his face. He cuddles closer to you, snuggling his face into your neck. You relaxed into his touch and kissed him. 

"Ko~" You sang in his ear. He groaned and turned away from you. Akaashi released you from his arm and you climbed on Bokuto.

"Ko it's time to get up." You said before kissing his head.

"I'm up, I'm up." He said before he grabbed you. You squealed as he flipped you over on the bed, Akaashi laughed.

"Good morning my beautiful wife." He smiled at you before he looked over to Akaashi. "You're not safe either." He said before he pulled Akaashi to his side. "You're my very handsome husband." Akaashi blushed.

"It's time to get up. Come on Akaashi, work won't get done with just sitting here." Bokuto jumped out of bed and into the bathroom. You looked at Akaashi confused about what just happened.

"He does that. He's lazy but loves doing clan leader work." Akaashi said as he sat up.

"I love the room. It's so different from the last time I was here."

"While you were in Nekoma we renovated this room and the office to prepare for your arrival." Akaashi said.

"The office? As in your personal office?"

"Yep, we'll show you after breakfast. Let's get dressed." Akaashi said.

Once you finished getting ready for the day you went down stairs.

"Good Morning y/n." A voice said in the kitchen. It was Konoha, he was making breakfast for the clan.

"Good morning Konoha. When did you get here?" You asked. No one came back to the manor last night besides you, Akaashi, and Bokuto.

"This morning, the rest of the clan stayed in a hotel last night." He winked and a dark red blush spread across your cheeks. Konoha handed you a plate and told you to help yourself to what he made. Bokuto and Akaashi joined you and the rest of the clan downstairs. You conversated with many of the clan members as they properly welcomed you into the clan. It felt a little similar to Karasuno but only a little. After breakfast Bokuto took you to the new office space he had designed.

Bokuto's office was big but this time you walked in there were three desks.

"Well figured you could start working with us in the office. This way you get to be with us more and you'll finally get to work." Bokuto said, putting a hand on your back.

"I love it." You asked as you ran your fingers across the desk. This was all you ever wanted to be active in the clan, something your father never allowed. Your safety made your father hesitant to let you work in the clan. You turned to Bokuto and Akaashi giving them a hug and a kiss. You pulled away before speaking.

"I think we make a great team together"

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