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When she enters a room, it goes silent. Her presence is as deafening as much as unwanted, intrusive thoughts are---but for her she makes it work. 

I never really grasped the concept of 'confidence', and I guess that is why I never truly will be confident. I mean, putting yourself out there? The saying 'fake it 'till you make it' always seemed contradictory to me. 

The only way to achieve something one does not possess is to feign possession in the first place. Well, obviously, it isn't the only way to earn something.

If only I could have been like her, like him, like anyone who is brave enough to love their own self wholeheartedly, despite the setbacks and insecurities. 

If only I had done that, then maybe I wouldn't have done the things I did. 

Maybe, just maybe, I could have saved my own self in the first place.


Hello, everyone!

I hope that (if anyone reads this at all) this beginning wasn't too abstruse and confusing as it appears to be in my head. Also, I am still trying my best to figure out how to name these little 'sections', as some blurbs will be connected to each other and others being totally singular. 

Hope you all have a great day! Until then :)

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