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And you know what's funny after all this time?
The sky still looks the same as it did a year ago
The same blues and yellows and reds and oranges are still here
But you're not.
And that's okay.
The clouds are still the same too
The streetlamps towering over my street are still the same
The cars in my driveway are still the same
But I'm not.

I think you would've liked this evening's sunset.
It's mostly blue and orange
Your favorite color is still blue at least.

Sometimes I like to imagine a montage
A montage of me and the countless amount of times I've endured all of these sunsets without you
All of these clouds rolling
Birds flying
Planes taking flight
Planes landing
And how I would've liked to point them out to you.

But that's not how reality is at the moment
And that's not how life works.

I think after a year I'm okay.
I don't quite know if I'm still mourning you
Or the person I was
But I'm okay for the most part.
I think after a year I'm okay
And if I said that I hope you are okay too
It wouldn't be genuine.

I think after a year the sky is still pretty to look at
I just wish I didn't have to look at it alone.

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