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"No tell me more, please," the younger girl said, sighing as she quickly glanced down from the older girl's gaze. "Does it get better? Do I finally stop thinking about him?" she asked.

The older girl took a deep breath in and exhaled, "It gets better, trust me. You don't feel that way anymore for a good while actually."

"You don't seem happy though," the younger girl said. Deep down she wasn't surprised, because how does it ever get better for her? She could only dream.

"Don't worry, I will be in time," the older girl replied.

Between the two girls, the atmosphere was gloomy, dreadful even. The both of them filled with regrets neither of them could back track on.

"Is it because of mom and dad? Do they end up fighting again?" the younger girl asked, disappointment clouded her expression.

"No...surprisingly dad becomes better."

"Does he end up liking someone else?" she asked again with irritation lacing her words.

"Well you sound annoyed," the older girl giggled, "he does end up liking someone else. You're a pretty fucking jealous and stubborn person by the way."

"Is that why you're so sad?"

Ah, she actually asked about that, the older girl thought to herself.

"No, you meet someone else," the older girl looked down and felt her eyes sting. She attempted to plaster on a fake smile, but ultimately failed. Her countenance fell and so did her heart in her chest all over again.

"Wait really? Why are you sad? We found someone else," the younger girl's eyes lit up with joy. Smiling, she wiped away the older girl's tears from her face. Looking back up at the smiling 14-year-old, the older girl shook her head.

"He doesn't stay," the older girl's voice cracked. "These years will be amazing for you and for him, but I really wish I could stop you from going through it."

"Oh," the younger girl took a deep breath, "that's why you're so sad...he doesn't stay like the first one." Her eyes became teary, and her breaths began to falter. She was shutting down again, becoming an empty shell of a person---again.

"Why does he leave?"

"A lot of things happen, some is your fault and some is his," the older girl said, her heart swelling up in her chest, throbbing from the emotional pain. "He fell out of love with you, and you know it well that you can't change someone's feelings."

"Just like the first one..." the younger girl whispered. "Do you think he'll come back or even wants to be with you again?"

"I'd like him to, but I don't know how I'll be in a few months. I don't know if I'll be okay with being just friends if nothing ends up happening between us," the older girl managed to say back. Silently, the both of them hated the fact that a person could make them feel this way---one single individual.

"I'm sorry, little me. I'm sorry for everything I put you through."

"I thought it got better, I wanted it to get better," the younger girl lamented, tears pooling at her eyes.

"Well we can't always get what we want you know."

"I know."

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