The Bliss in Reminiscing

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There are moments in life where everything just seems to fail. You recount how many mistakes you've made, how many more you can make, how many regrets you carry, and how many people have left. I guess the burden of all these thoughts combined hurt even more as the next person leaves.

When you look back at the person you've become, and listen to the words of the people still with you telling you an array of stories, you just cling on to the version of the person you thought you knew. 

And when second guessing becomes too much to bear, the weight of all these memories come crashing down. The good and the bad still exist, and there are days where you remember one more vividly than the other. Either way, both still hurt.

And when reminiscing becomes too much to bear, the 'what ifs' also come rushing back.

There are moments in life where everything just seems to fail. You recount how many mistakes you've made, how many more you can make, how many regrets you carry, and how many people have left. 

I guess there comes a time where you accept that no matter how much you'd like them to stay, like them to be beside you, like them to actually want to be with you, they'll still leave. And they eventually do.

And now, for some reason, all that echoes in your head constantly is 

what the fuck did i do wrong?

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