The Downsides to Hope

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Reminiscing on how that day progressed, it seemed utterly surreal, like a dream that would never end. 

Incessant chatter rang throughout the hectic mall, as if everyone that surrounded me wanted to boast their unremitting happiness just to spite me. Me, on the other hand, slowly trekking through the mall that Sunday morning became an arduous journey into the past. 

All the bright buildings, restaurants, and stores where he had lovingly promised to take me overwhelmingly towered over me like dark, taunting ghosts from my Christmas past, present, and future. 

Only this unfortunate time, it wasn't the joyous celebration of Christmas where my chest would be overflowing with the color yellow. This time, walking through the crowded mall, where every step of mine was a mile and left blue footprints behind, was one of the first of many days to come without him. 

And, as my quickening glances at my phone turned into a perfected practice filled with hope, my teary eyes and open heart burned with despair as each glance was left greeted with an empty, dark screen, dark enough to the point where I wanted it to swallow me whole. 

Only then had I realized that, after my long, painful journey through our past, our present, and our nonexistent future, he had already completed his before I even started mine.

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