Chapter 15 - A New Face?!

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The bright morning rays spilling out from behind the curtains managed to wake me up from my peaceful sleep. Sliding out of the sheets, I fixed my nightwear as I got on my feet to wake up the snoozing Ayame. It was any other ordinary day, starting with the usual routine of us friends. We were all ultimately ready for whatever the day had waiting for us, leaving me with a mild feeling of anticipation.

Exiting our rooms, we were greeted with Tomo and Nanami waiting for us at the end of the main hallway.

"Oh, you two are finally here! Morning!" Tomo was the first to wave her right arm in mid-air and Nanami mirrored a gentle smile to which Ayame returned with an ear-wide grin.

"I see you guys are as early as always!" Ayame was already in line with the two girls.

"Well, punctuality is key when you're learning to be a celebrity! Plus, it's just become a natural habit for us at this point." Tomo replied while fanning her hand on the side.

After our unified, merry laugh, the three of us headed to our classroom while Ayame took her separate route to the S Class.




Upon entering the now familiar area, I took my designated seat next to Masato after waving lightly in his direction.

"Good morning, Hijirikawa-san."

"Good morning, Kurashina. How are you feeling today?"

Ever since that day, Masato preferred calling me without the use of an honorific. It still manages to catch me off guard as my mind always then wanders off to the events from that one, single time.

(It still feels surprising when he calls out to me like that so easily... But it makes me feel happy at the same time...)

Ignoring the fuzzy feeling welling up in the corner of my chest, I was just about to give him a reply but was interrupted by Ringo-sensei's entrance. Not far behind him was an unfamiliar face of a solemn-eyed girl with light purple, flowy hair like the lavender itself. Well, this is an unexpected turn of events...

"That's right, everyone! We'll also be having a new girl joining us starting from today. Hana-cchi, do sit wherever you like~"

The new girl gave off a stoic aura and showed little interest in her surroundings. Most of the students stared at her as she slowly made her way to an empty desk, not seeming to pay any heed to all the attention or the turned heads.

Ringo-sensei gave Hana a look of confusion before speaking up with a smile, "Don't you want to say anything about yourself before we get started dear?"

Hana looked up with a stern yet vaguely desolate expression, then turned towards the room of anticipating students. Her lips eventually parted as she spoke in a low voice, "My name's Hana Sakuragi."

The moment she announced her family name, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief. Murmurs filled the room as groups of friends looked at each other in doubt.

"Sakuragi, THE Sakuragi? Wait, isn't she supposed to be in the S Class then?"

"Aww who cares?! For real, an elite like them sending their child to our school is pretty cool!"

"Now, now everyone! No need to be so surprised, this is a school for training idols, it's not anything new for a student to come from such an elite family. Anyway, let's get started with today's lesson, shall we~?"

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