Chapter 1 - New Beginning

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"Look, don't you think those idols on TV are so cool?!"

"Huh...? Woahh, those girls are actually dazzling!"

"Oh, oh, I have an idea! We should become idols when we grow up! Imagine how fun that would be!"

"W-What? But we haven't even tried singing or dancing before, there's no way--"

"If we work hard, we can definitely be like them in the future! Let's make a pinky promise on it!"

"A... pinky promise...?"

"Uh-huh! That we'll become world-famous idols when we grow older! Dream big~"

"O-Okay, it's a promise!"






A memory from a once long-ago past flashed through the mind of the baby pink-haired girl who stood in front of the large golden gate. Brushing it aside, her bangs danced with the cool winter breeze as those amethyst eyes remained fixed on the building in full view. Groups of people were walking back and forth, but even amongst this massive crowd, the pink head couldn't spot the person she was hoping to see. 

The girl waited a bit longer while scanning the area anxiously, thinking she'd catch a glimpse of the purple-haired girl who was on her mind this entire time. Unfortunately, no such person was seen and time was slowly running out, so she gave up her search and slowly strode towards the building, wishing that she'll meet that girl somewhere else.

2 hours later...



The entrance exam was over at last as the girl exited the building. She was feeling a sense of relief, considering the exam was finally done for the remainder of the day - she could now head back home. But the pink head abruptly stopped in her tracks when a cheerful voice called out to her from behind.


Asuka could recognize that person anywhere which made her spin around, eyes wide. It was that one girl she was expecting to meet this entire time who stood in the distance. Asuka stared in disbelief, peering at those deep azure eyes, and purple hair that swayed gently in the soft wind.

"A-Ayame...?" She muttered as her lips slowly perked up in a wry smile.

"Mhmm!" The girl nodded her head as she beamed brightly.

Asuka jogged up to Ayame, throwing her arms around her as she exclaimed, "You actually came today! I waited for so long, I almost thought you forgot..."

"Why would I forget about our special promise? Of course I'd come and give the exam after we worked so hard to get all the way here."

"*Chuckle* Yeah, I guess..."

"Hey, let's walk home together, you were just about to go back, right?" Ayame suggested to which Asuka nodded in approval.




"So, how was the test?" Asuka asked while they both strolled side by side on the smooth snowy footpath.

"Yeah, it went great! The exam was so much easier than I expected, but I still hope I did enough. What about you, how did yours go?" Ayame replied happily with a skip in her step.

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