Chapter 2 - A Fresh Determination

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Another steady melody played after our brief introductions. It seemed that Masato really does adore his piano - I, myself, didn't mind the serene key taps either. The atmosphere was all too relaxing, and strangely enough, I wished my time here would stop. It almost made me forget my crushing defeat from before.

(So this is the power of idols up and center... I almost feel glued to this feeling.)

I pressed a clasped hand on my chest, as I started humming with the repeating tune. Masato eyed me for a brief second before forwarding his attention to his playing, smiling faintly. I felt embarrassed for humming without notice, but it just felt like I had to. I don't know why. Perhaps because I thought I would never get this same chance, same gentle air again.

After the rapid melody ended, I somewhat felt brave enough to tell him why I even ended up here in the first place. I exhaled deeply, and turned around to face him.

I gazed back into Masato's violet eyes, before parting my lips, "About your question from earlier... My reason for coming here is because of the exam results today..."

"The exam results... Ah, they were supposed to be announced today for fresh applicants, correct?" Masato rested one hand on his chin, as if awaiting a reply.

I nodded in return.

"Well, I didn't get in, so umm... I just ran away from my friend, and well, somehow stopped here. I didn't mean to, but you came back before I could leave... But I wasn't spying or anything, I swear!"

I still thought that Masato got the wrong impression about me hiding under the table and all, so I just had to clear any misunderstandings. For future's sake too.

"I see. That explains a lot now. I'm sorry about your result, though it does confound me as to why you didn't get in... Your humming from earlier--"

"That was not necessary. I better get going now, I'm sure my friend is worried sick about me running off in the way I did... Thank you for the short time, I enjoyed your playing."

With a strained smile, I left the room before Masato had a chance for another word. My mind felt like a jumbled mess, obscuring it from thinking straight. I didn't mean to trample over his kindness, but at the same time, I also couldn't let him comfort me like that. After all, he doesn't even know me, and I don't know him. This is how I think it should be...... right?




I retraced my steps and ultimately reached where Ayame was waiting with restlessness. I was the first to grab her attention.


Turning around my way, Ayame quickly jogged over. She uttered after squeezing me tight, "Gosh, where did you run off to?! I was worried sick you know! At least give me some warning before you go running off to who-knows-where next time!"

"Sorry about that... I didn't know how to face you at that time... And before I knew it, my legs just took off on their own."

Ayame finally let go of me, and proceeded to ask me for details. I told her everything - the piano room, meeting Masato, and about how dismayed I felt from the exam results. Even though the whole situation was embarrassing, Ayame and I had always lived together with a code of honesty - hence me not leaving anything out. Tucking an arm around my shoulder, Ayame held me tight as we proceeded to walk out of the vast building. Just then, a familiar voice reverberated behind us.


"H-Hijirikawa-san?!" My voice came out an octave high, clearly conveying my surprise while Ayame just froze in her spot.

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