Chapter 5.1

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait. Here´s the next of the story.

Pre-warning: The next story part is going to be quite short and the story will generally pick up in pace. 

Other than that have fun reading this part and remember to




I would be happy to hear your feedback and views about this story. :)



Sarena´s view

My goodness, I cannot believe how full of surprises Jamie is. He has got wings too! I still haven’t gotten over the fact how agile he is with them.  There are two guards following us, who are actually riding on birds. Azure thought it better to send protection with us in case the evil was in the castle and attacked us.

Since I have arrived almost a week ago, the evil has not made any attempts to take over more of the kingdom, in fact it has retreated a little which is quite astonishing however I am glad about a it gives me more time to get used to my new body. Currently we are having a race to see who can fly the fastest, and I am beating him by lengths. Well, he is carrying all of our food and I did call on the power of the wind which is a bit unfair, but we are having fun.

I can see the Sky palace looming up in the distance and I must say even from a distance it is a breathtaking view.  Perched on top of a mixture of yellow and pink clouds sat the castle made entirely of stone completely covered in ivory which has withered away and hung down in spindly threads. I finally reached the clouded platform and landed there waiting for Jamie and the guards to catch up.  Meanwhile I was letting my gaze wonder across the castle where it finally landed on the archway that served as an entryway. The gate that would keep the entry way, hung lopsidedly of its hinges. I took a step closer wanting to have a look at the engravings that decorated the archway, however when I walked forward something invisible blocked me and made me bounce back and land on my rear end in the dirt.

Staring up at the castle with a mixture of amazement and confusion I did not notice Jamie and the guards land behind me. As Jamie waved my head in my face in snapped out of my state of wonder and gave him a questioning look.

“What are you doing on the floor?”

“I tried to look at the engravings on the archway, but something blocked me, I bounced off it and landed on the floor”

He sent me a questioning look as I got off from the floor and dusted myself off. I gave him a push sending him into the invisible barrier and to the floor. I bet he believes me now.

“So how are we going to in if we are blocked by this?”

“I am actually quite flustered. As far as I know there was never a barrier of sorts around the castle. Angels and stars went in and out without a problem- Sarena your necklace! It’s flashing”

I looked down to my necklace and indeed it was flashing. I could make a really quiet squeaking sound, so I took it off to open it up. Buttercup darted out and flew around my head in an exited frenzy, effectively coating me in her stardust. Now that I was all sparkly I could not hold in my laughter. Buttercup stopped and started speaking

“ Sorry about Sarena, but I really had to tell you something!”

“ What is it?”

“I know how to get in!”


Instead of answering me, she darted of towards the archway plummeting right through the invisible barrier. Once through the barrier and flew towards the archway pressing some kind of button. Then she turned around and waved for me to come. Cautiously I took a step towards and through the barrier bracing myself for being pushed back again, but this time I wasn’t.

Once I stepped through the archway I was surprised to see the luscious green of ivory and the vibrant colours of breathtakingly beautiful flowers as well as the amazing architecture of the castle itself. Built around  the magical crystal there were lots of doors, stairs, hallways and tunnels going off the circular room built around the crystal. Here and there you catch a glimpse off the gardens surrounding the palace. The crystal itself was glowing in soft purple bluish light, but as I approached it started pulsing faster and faster. Fascinated I reached my hand out, but Jamie knocked it away from the crystal yelling at the top of his lungs.

“Don’t! You´ll die if you touch it.”

Buttercup flew up to him at his remark and got right up  in his face.

“Leave my angel alone! She is actually strong enough to touch it and she has to do it to gain her full powers. So stop ruing the magic of the moment and let the crystal transform Sarena!”

She even gave him a shove which sent him stumbling into the guards that stood at the edge of the room behind of the room. You see the room wasn’t that big really, maybe 3 metres across. The guards bit back their laughter as they stopped Jamie from falling over and Jamie sent them a glare as he stood at the sideline opposite me and watched me like a hawk

I just stood next to the stone and watched as all this happened. Buttercup ushered me closer to the crystal . As I stood there mesmerized the same scent I had smelled at my arrival blew past me again and enveloped me.

“It was you” I whispered to myself as I reached out to touch the crystal. The same mental force hit me again, sending me flying backwards into the wall.


Jamie called out wanting to run to me, but he was held back by the guards.  I started glowing again but this time with a purple light. I was lifted off the ground and floated over to the crystal hovering above it.  Warmth and light radiated from the crystal growing hotter and brighter until it was too bright too watch making me close my eyes.

As the light and heat subsided I floated back to the ground and came down lightly on my toes. As I opened my eyes , buttercup was grinning widely and excitedly bouncing up and down.

“ You look so pretty Sarena! And your wings are soo beautiful and big.”

I sent her a smile and rose to my feet taking in my new attire and my huge wings.  I was now wearing a knee length white dress and a intricately made rose crown perched on top of my head . I gently trailed my fingers over the crown and immediately realized that this was a new power.

“ I have a new power!” I cried excitedly.  Eager to try it out I ran over to Jamie and started pulling him towards the entrance. Jamie chuckled at my enthusiasm understanding that i wanted to fly back home to try out my new powers. I stopped at the edge ,just a Buttercup flew back into my necklace, I turned around to Jamie intertwining our hands. I stood on tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the lips.

“ See you at home ,pretty boy”

I then took a step backwards and dropped, giggling as I took in confused expression and shot off into the distance followed closely by the guards leaving Jamie to scramble to take off and catch up, leaving me unaware of the evil that was lurking behind me. 

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