Chapter 2.2

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Hey everyone! Here is the second part of the second chapter. I hope you like iz and i am looking to reading your comments. 




Jamie´s view

I nearly jumped out of my skin when something soft hit me straight in the face and pulled me from a deep sleep. Still caught in my dream I shouted “what!” thinking that it was one of my friends that wanted to tease me. God how I hated when they came in my room and disturbed the precious few moments of peace that I had. Only then did I notice that it was not one of my friends, it was Sarena sitting in my bed. I jumped up, just to settle down next to her on the bed, relief flooding through me. I was happy to see that she was awake, but she did not respond as I enquired how she was feeling.

“Answers?” I asked.  I always loved her stubbornness but right now it would not do her good. “Yes. Like how did I get here in the first place?” she said.

This made me think. How should I explain to Sarena why she is here? Knowing that it would be hard to explain; I lifted my hands and placed one finger on her temples. The look that placed on her face was priceless.  Once I lowered my hand, she just sat there perplexed while she tried to figure out what was going on.

“What just happened?” she asked confused.

“I used my abilities on you”

“And this means? What is your ability anyway?”

“I have the ability to transfer and change memories. I used this ability to explain to you why you are here and how you got here.”

She took a moment to let the information sink in and then realization hit home with full force. She looked shocked as she threw a glance behind her, then she turned her gaze back on me.

“What in earth´s name happened to me?! I am a freaking fairy!” 

“Remember the green bottle I gave you? It held the essence of magic. As soon as it entered your body it started changing you into a fairy. However, you are not a normal fairy. You are the most powerful fairy there is in our whole entire world.  The legend of the clan of the Starkeepers has it that our patron Sapree sends aid from heaven when great trouble is near. Her name is Coeli Salaturi.”

“What does that have to do with me?” Sarena asked

“Sadly our Coeli Salaturi was murdered by our enemies and her magical spark has travelled long and far to come to us inform our Prince of the child that is blessed with magic and power. This child is you.  You are her replacement. You are the child of offspring of Coeli Salaturi and Sapree. You were wanderings our territory and it was jobs to find and protect you before our enemies got their hands on you. In other words you are bound to this forever by a higher force and cannot leave. Ever.”

Tears started streaming down my face and sobs shook her as she realized that she has just lost her family and her old life without a hope of ever retuning to it, instead she would be stuck with me and my clan. It was practically her clan too now.

 I gently moved closer to her and embraced her in my arms, soothingly rocking her back and forth whilst avoiding having a mouth full of feathers from her newly formed wings.

“Sshh.” I cooed “Everything will be just fine.”

Eventually she fell asleep snuggled to my chest.  I enjoyed the peacefulness of the moment until my door was eased open and one of the prince´s servants popped their head in letting me that Azure wanted to see me. Leaving Sarena peacefully lying in bed, I tiptoed out of my room and made my way to Azure´s office.  

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