This is the second to last chapter. I hope you enjoy it and remeber to
:) xxxxxxxx
Sarena´s view
I have been flying for a good half-day following the pull that was directing me towards Jamie. I had to fly faster because the pull that connected us was wavering and fading quickly, sign that he was rejecting me. Could I have been so mistaken by him or was the evil toying with him? In the distance I could see a castle made entirely of darkness take shape.
As I landed in the centre of the castle, angry citizens ran towards me and clung to me stopping me from taking another and dragging me down.
“Let go of me!”
I yelled at them, but that did not stop them. In sheer desperation I called on the power of electricity which I did not know I even possessed and let it circulate around every inch of my body effectively swatting the people away like flies. I jumped in the air and dashed for a opening in the fall and came to a halt in a cave and touched down on the rock surface. I could see Jamie on the side of cave in the grasp of a woman. He looked somewhat different. Anger gripped me and I yelled.
“Let Jamie, go you witch!”
I recognized it, In an instant. The woman standing opposite me was the evil in person for her were glowing in a bottomless shade of black and her midnight wings were outline by a sickly shade of purple, as were Jamie. His hair was changing rapidly from their normal dirty blonde colour to a jet-black mirroring the woman next to him.
Jamie flew towards me as the woman released him , sending us both to floor as he was punches at me. I had no experience whatsoever in fighting, but on instinct I drew my fist back and it connected with the side of his temple. He slumped on top of me like a deadweight. In the process of rolling him off me I could hear a scream erupting around me . The scream was so shrill that it hurt my ears causing a thick, warm liquid to pour out of my ears and through my fingers that were protectively pressed over my ears.
Come on Sarena you are stronger than this! I told myself over and over again as I slowly rose to my feet determined to end this. Energy coursed through me and I channelled it into my hands and pointed them towards the evil that was standing opposite me.
Ahhhhh! All the energy flew out of my hand and towards the evil, hitting her square in the chest and knocking her down.
All of a sudden she got off the ground and started glowing with a pure white energy as she transformed into an angel herself. . I used the moment where she was mid-transfer and sent a thunderbolt towards which threw her backwards into the cave wall with a solid ´oomph´. I drew on the energy of the crystals embedded into my rose crown and rose into the air glowing in a purple light, concentrating all the energy into a glowing ball between my hands and sent that home too. The glowing ball of magic of exploded around her and separated into a million tiny pieces. She screamed as the evil that she embodied disintegrated and got wiped off the face of the earth forever.

The Starkeepers Secret
Fantasy[COMPLETED] Through a stupid Accident, Sarena Willows is pulled into a world that she should have never entered. Eager to help her true love she becomes part of the starkeep clan. As the only girl among boys she has to live up to the challenge they...