Chapter 6.1

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Heres is another part. I hope you enjoy it and remeber to




:) xxxxx


Sarena´s view

"Buttercup, have you seen Jamie? I can’t seem to find him anywhere"

 I asked breathlessly as i walked into the room that I share with Jamie. I really haven’t seen him since I left him at the sky palace, and that was almost half a day ago . The trip wasn’t that long and he is not that slow, maybe he got held up on the way.

" You might want to sit down Sarena"

"Why, what is it Buttercup?"

I obeyed her request and sunk down on the bed right next to her. Since I had that enhancement from the crystal, buttercup was able to stay outside the necklace.

"Jamie has been blackthorn clan"

"is that one of your oh so funny jokes again?"

You know she had done it twice already since we got back from the sky palace . First she told me he was killed, the second time  he was kidnapped. Each time my heart was clenched in icy hands , each beat being more painful than the first. I would run through the corridors screaming his name at the top of my lungs, only to find him racing around the next corner and colliding with me. He would be alarmed and worried while I would cry my heart out and be relieved to find him safe and sound.  She shakes her head now as my smile fades.

"How could this have happened?"

“They ambushed him as he took off at the sky palace following you. The guards noticed that he wasn’t catching up so they flew back a bit and saw him being attacked and knocked out. Unfortunately the guards could not do anything because they were too fat away to intervene.”

My heart was clenched even tighter by these news. It was my fault, I challenged him and left him behind because eagerness got the better of me. I could not hold the emotions, at this realization, back any longer and they poured out of my eyes, staining my cheeks with their saltiness. Between the sobs that racked my body, I managed to squeeze out my questions

" This i-is a-a-l-ll m-m-y fault! Does  Azure k-k-n-ow? How will i-i e-e-even find him?"

"It´s not your fault, you couldn’t  have know they would come. Azure is aware of what has happened .  Jamie and you have a very special bond. It goes beyond your heart and deep into your soul. Focus on that connection , relax and go even further into you. That little spark you feel will take you to him no matter where he is.”

For some reason I knew that this time , it was not one of Buttercup´s jokes, but real life.  Buttercup moved closer and grabbed my thumb to comfort. She was only tiny so she couldn’t hug me, but I appreciated her attempts. Moments later the door flew open and young messenger ran into the room looking frantic.

“ Azure requests your presence in his office immediately. There have been sightings of the evil close to the castle”

I gave the messenger a quick nod as I jumped up and did something that was not allowed indoors; Flying. So I took off and raced down the hallways narrowly avoiding passersby. I came to a halt in front of Azure door to collect myself and calmly knocked.  Azure called for me to come in, and I came to stand in front of his desk . He was staring out the window overlooking the village, arms crossed behind his back.

“ The evil has been sighted at the edges of the village. I need to go to the roof of the castle and activate the crystal. You can do so using your new powers. Afterwards I want you to go and find my son.”

He did not make any attempts to turn around.

“ I am very sorry for what happened. I couldn’t have known-“

“Its fine Sarena. Just bring him back, he is all that I have left. Oh and defeat the evil while you’re at it. “

He had turned around now and grinned at me, so did I as I turned on my heel and went to the roof. The crystal was now activated and a fine mist of pure magic had formed around the village blocking the evil.  Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and went deep into me, feeling for that special bond that would lead to me Jamie. I had never felt the band before, but I could nonetheless that something was off about it. Buttercup was back in her necklace and I was preparing for takeoff. I deliberately refused Azure´s offer to guards with me, not wanting to risk anyone´s else lives or leaving the village defenceless.

The whole village was gathered beneath me and cheered as I soared over their heads and towards the horizon always following that pull I felt around me heart which would lead me to Jamie. 

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