Preference #24, What you get a tattoo of

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Tobias- the abnegation symbol. You 2 were some of the only transfers ever from abnegation, and you felt it represented you 2 very well

Uriah- Uriah>Dauntless cake. You knew that was a big statement, but it felt true.

Will-  The word "erugationess" it combines the words erudite, abnegation and dauntless. Which were the factions you 2 transfered from and the one you were in now. You liked how almost no one knew what it meant so it was like your inside joke.

Caleb- You got a picture of an open book with the words "We found love" in it. 

Eric- " E + (Y/F/I)" inside of a heart. It matched a necklace he got you a while ago

A/N- This update is looooooooooooooong overdue. I had a free weekend for once. For a week i'll be able to update a lot for 2 reasons- 1) i had been using my phone to update before which took quite a while to type. Now we have a laptop with wifi again, so i can use it to update. (it's my mom's laptop but whatevs) and 2)we have PARCC testing in school so i'll have no HW next week. HOORAY FOR STANDARDIZED TESTS!!!!!!!!  So yeAH, Bai, remember to vomment!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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