Uriah imagine (cuz i <3 him)❤

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Uriah imagine

"Hey Y/N" Uriah called out after capture the flag. You had won the game for your team, and even though Uriah was on the losing team he thought it was cool a stiff won it. "Maybe you could join us for zip lining" He says "if you want" he adds sheepishly.

"Sure" You reply shyly. He runs up to catch up to you and he walks next to you. You talk about how the game went as you get to the train.

You jump on and lean against the wall. You slide down and hug your knees to keep warm. "You cold?" Uriah asks, sitting next to you. You give a slight nod. He takes off his jacket and hands it to you.

"Thanks." You smile, sliding it on. Uri nods in response, giving you a wide smile.

You both keep to yourselves for the rest of the ride. You kinda zone out.

Uriah nudges you to get your attention. "Here's where we get off" He says. You nod and jump, Uriah following close behind. You follow the group to the Hancock building.

Everyone goes to the elevator. it's crowded do your pushed up against Uriah. You blush a deep crimson and Uriah chuckles at your reaction. "Oh shut up" you mutter, embarrassed.

The elevators reach their destination. The 99th floor (right? I forgot). We all walk to see they have a bin of harnesses. A line goes from the edge to another building. "Initiates first" a boy, around 18, announces.

"You wanna go first?" Uriah asks excitedly.

"Nahh, I'm uh- a little nervous" you respond quietly. He nods sympathetically .

A few people go before you two. All dauntless borns beside 1erudite transfer. Once you and him get up to the front. The boy from before asks "how do you wanna go?".

You panic. "I don't really think I want to" you whisper to uri.

"Hmmm. I think I've got an idea" he says. "Hey Zeke, can we go- uh- together?" Uriah asks. You must be hearing things, but his voice sounds hopeful, and excited even.

"Sure little bro. Who's your girlfriend?" He asks smirking.

"She's not my girlfriend" Uriah says flustered . He leans up to Zeke and whispers "yet". You knew he didn't mean for you to hear it, but you did. And you couldn't help but smile.

Zeke hooks you and Uriah up, you under uri. Uriah wraps his arms around you. You feel safe and protected with him.

"You ready?" Uriah asks, his cool breath tickling your neck. You nod, too nervous to talk.

Zeke releases you. You glide down with Uriah holding you tight, keeping you calm. Wind blows in your face, cooling you off.

Uriah reaches up to pull the brake. You stop a few feet before colliding into the wall. "Now that wasn't too bad, right?" He asks.

"Yeah. But at least I had you" You reply. Ok that came out... Weird.

Uriah grins. He takes off the harness and you fall into the arms of the people below. You giggle as you are caught. Uriah jumps down from the arm-net-thing and grabs you to help you out.

You spend the rest of the night, helping with the arm-net-thing until everyone has gone.

You and Uriah walk to the train together, you half asleep most of the time.

You jump onto the train with Uriah following. You sit side by side. You rest your head on his shoulder and start to doze off.
Once the train reaches dauntless compound uriah carries you in bridal style as you sleep. You start to wake up, but pretend to sleep so uriah will keep carrying you.
He sets you down in your bed, still thinking your asleep. "Goodnight Y/N. Love you" He whispers, kissing you on the forehead. He walks off, still thinking you're asleep. You can't help but grin as he walks away.

A/N- So I'm kinda in love with uri so I did my first imagine on him. But wasn't the part with Zeke so cute?!? Sorry if its kinda short. Aight that's all. Remember to vomment(vote and comment) and request imagines and preferences. -Annie

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